This is a thought I was just having, probably because of how stoned I am... I hope you find it interesting. Quite a few people seem to say that weed doesn't change a persons character. Obviously when your I'm stoned I might act different (impaired) but I don't believe my subconscious persona has really changed. I would still make the same decisions, just maybe not as quickly. Not everyone might agree on this point. Many people seem to have psychotic episodes when they're very or even slightly stoned, though I don't have any personal experience in that sort of thing. What I was wondering was if this might mean that the people who have extreme paranoia and related things have these problems in their lives already and weed might bring out that aspect of a person. If that's true that must mean there are a lot of mentally fucked people out there because a lot of people seem to have these problems when they smoke. I'd like to read someone else's thoughts on this, if you can understand what I mean.
I think yes, it makes sense. However i think it is explained by the thought that you are probably of sound mind and dont have a tendency to freak out in general normally. But everybody has a different brain and a lot of people at first, especially at a younger age can really be overtaken due to their weak state of mind, there are so many people out there who are totally overcome by the type of thoughts cannabis makes you think, and if they aren't used to that sort of perspective view point, it's overwhelming.
Psychotic episodes after smoking are only reported in people who are predisposed to psychosis. So yeah your right about it unleashing a part of yourself. The brain has a lot of filters and mechanisms that might prevent psychosis from coming out to play but when your high you could lose some of those filters and it takes over. Thats just a theory though.
What I'm really curious about is whether those people who freakout while high could possibly be mentally unstable subconsciously while sober. That would only be possible if weed couldn't make sane people flip the fuck out too, which I'm yet unsure of.