Interesting little theory.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by potpie_man, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. My theory / question to you is do you think that IQ and brain power has a great effect on the mind / eye opening experiences during trips? My theory is that it has a great effect on you because i think that in order to have those experiences you need a little force to push you there. Well i'm quite interested in what others think on this topic.
  2. I sort of always wandered this about dreams, if smarter people or people with more powerful thinking capacity could somehow become more lucid, or have more control....but man the brain is so complex I think it's far to difficult to say.
  3. if someone is educated, especially in spiritual terms, i think their trip will be more meaningful because they will relate what is happening during their experience to the spiritual world.

    someone like einstein who is educated in physics and such will have a trip and may figure out the "ultimate theory" he was working on for 30 years before he died.

    someone who is 'dumb' will take lsd when they are drunk at 1 am at some frat party. and their trip will be out of control. a bunch of drunk jocks is not what i imagine as a good trip.

    then theres the factor of their brian computing power. im sure dumber people will hallucinate things and not look into the deeper meanings of it. as the smart person would look and find.

    i think its less brain power then it is imagination and understanding.
  4. lol, I took lsd at a was hella fun, and kinda spiritual. Dumb people, smart people cool people fun people all people can have a good time on acid.
  5. i don't think how smart you are really will have an effect on your trip, but it will definatly determine how much you interpret/gain from the experience. Maybe not in like a cut and dry IQ "smart" sense... but just more general understanding.

    I'm dumb as a cunt when it comes to booksmarts but i bet you i'd be able to out talk every teacher in my school when it comes to philophsy.
  6. i agree 100%. i have always felt that different people use weed for different purposes. those like myself usually use it to gain wisdom...but there is also the social aspect of weed that is fun....but there are some people who will just blaze and watch tv or play video games for a laugh. i would say IQ is a factor but not the only factor. i think the intentions and expectations of the user are very important. i know some smart people who smoke weed just for the fun aspect....i think it depends on the user's appreciation and respect and responsibility when it comes to smoking....and all of the above can also depend on IQ to an extent..
  7. I think that spiritual growth is far beyond rational intelligence. Everyone has equal capacity for seeing truth, and having too much confidence in your "brainpower" might even hinder you chances of breaking through.

    After all, one of the best pointers you can give someone who's about to take LSD is to "turn off your mind".
  8. i think thats absolutely correct.

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