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Interesting herb facts

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MadHatter11, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. As you may know there are more elderly blades in the city with more knowledge and wisdom. This thread is for those and others to post interesting facts you may know about the herb that others might not. Young and old. Past and present.

    EDIT:don't worry if you think some ppl may know, guarantee you there's some that don't.
  2. Cannabis was first cultivated in China around 4000B.C.

    One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of trees.

  3. Alright I guess I'll start

    Cold weather makes plants turn slightly purple.

    Kush strains originated from a hindu mountain range between pakistan and afghanistan.
  4. THC is an expectorant which means it will open up the lungs.
  5. When you smoke weed, you get high.
  6. false! I see this thread going downhill.
  7. The U.S.Constitution was written on hemp paper
  8. Heres another:

    When you smoke, hold in your hit for longer then 10 seconds, it gets you HIGH.

  9. There is going to be so much fail and bullshit in this thread. Also if your going to say something give a reason why marijuana does_____ and cite your sources.


    Not saying these are all incorrect just that the information in there could be improved.

  10. wrong ..holding it longer than 3 secs doesn't get you any higher all it does is expose your lungs to more tar and crap
  11. hey OP just delete this thread it DOES have fail written all over it.
  12. I really doubt that. can you prove your statement?
  13. I mean the males can produce thc.... I wasn't trying to state any fact I've just looked at high times and seen male plants with no thc content being grown legally in certain places in the USA. So I'm not sure..
  14. I'd have to say it's not correct ..hemp has no thc and it's illegal.
    Ditch weed doesn't have enough thc to get a grasshopper high but it's illegal.

    Hemp and ditch weed are illegal because they look like marijuana, so male plants must be illegal too.
  15. yeah the THC in them are next to none anyways.
  16. don't bother on reading anything he says man i grow and can tell you male plants have THC too but less thats why females are the "alpha male" i mean that is just reatarded to say... ever bought a sack that had seeds?? did it get you high? im pretty sure thats a yes unless the weed was very crappy... males only produce seeds in the bud that also makes the THC count lower.
    OP you should consider closin this one down iv'e allready read like 5 false statements bro*
    Honestly and Truthfully

  17. You're makin the thread fail. You must have no imagination what so ever. You should be more open to what ppl post
  18. THC is most soluble in oils and citric acids..
  19. Another false statement, THC is fat soluble. i agree with what was said earlier, shut down this thread.

  20. That's not true.

    I hold in my hits LONGER then 10 secs and that shit goes straight to the dome. Whenever I don't it doesn't hit me as faster.

    You have to remember - The longer you have it in your lungs, the more THC is absorbed as apposed to exhaling the second you inhale.

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