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Interesting environments to toke in.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Xeonex, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. A room with strobe light effects wearing 3D glasses.
  2. Out lying in a big grassy field on a beautiful summer's day.
  3. my favorite environment is in nature more specifically in these woods by my house where all of the high school kids party
  4. the sahara desert...needless to say, it was amazing
  5. Nothing beats toking in a good outdoor spot.
  6. Hammock in a windy field.
  7. not too windy...i hate it when the wind blows the weed or the flame away. lolz
  8. It would be fun to smoke in a sensory deprivation room :hippie:
  9. a desert would trip me out more then strobe lights.

    most places in nature are fun.

    beaches when you have them all to yourself so you can blaze without getting caught. So go buy your own private island.
  10. An underwater hotel room
  11. Cliff overlooking the city :cool:
  12. In a bathroom with the shower turned on Jamaican heatboxin man its the bomb:smoke:

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