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Interesting dealer situation...advice

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Decimotox, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Hey all... totally not a new blade or a new toker, but have an interesting situation with a dealer that I've never had before and figured you guys might be the best people to share/ask about this. It's going to be a long explanation, but it'll help you get the idea better. Please bear with me!

    So, I've had the same dealer for a few months now, like 3-4 months. The thing is, I've known the guy since I was like 6 or 7 (I'm 22 now). We were in the scouts together and I went to school with him, but never knew he smoked or dealt.

    Anyways, so I started hitting him up this past May when I got home from college. He seemed pretty chill and I met him as a dealer through our mutual friend. There is one bit of an issue though, he's EXTREMELY bad at communication. That means texting, calling, everything. I'm sure he'd be bad at face-to-face communication if that were possible.

    Now here's my actual situation. From May-a week ago, he was a solid connect. He'd be bad at communicating, but he'd never flake out really. He did once, but I had hit him up late, so I consider that my fault. But this past week, I tried to hit him up like always on payday.

    Naturally, I texted him, but he never responded. However, this wasn't a problem, as for some reason lately, he'd receive my texts but I'd never get his back if he sent any. So, I called him after work since I hadn't received a text back. He didn't answer the first time, but answered the second time I called and said he couldn't "hang out" because of "dry skin", meaning he was out. He'd never been out before, though.

    I accepted his out-ness, and proceeded to find another dealer, which I did. But later that same night, I texted him saying, "Hey man, if you could, would you let me know when the dry skin is remedied? Thanks again"

    I figure that's a solid text, right? That was like 5 days ago, and he hasn't responded and I don't wanna call or text again because I don't wanna seem like I'm bothering him. I'm gonna run out of bud again in a few days, so I'll probably try to hit him up.

    Sorry that was SUPER long, but I wanted to know what you guys would do. Thanks in advance blades. ;)

    P.S. Funny thing is, I got some better bud from this new connect. AND the new connect would deliver to my house I'm pretty sure, unlike my original guy. Maybe it's time for a change of dealers? :smoke:
  2. Judging by what you said at the end of this whole story, i think it might just be time for a change of dealers. I cant stand buying from people that never seem to respond to my calls or texts, those types just really frustrate me and make the whole buying process harder than it has to be. Personally id go with the new guy :smoke:
  3. Sounds like it's just not his bread and butter. Try giving him a heads up a day or 2 early. I grow for my household but usually have a little left over. I'll let other friends(with medical needs of course) hit me up but I don't sit around waiting for their call. I'm usually doing something and try to hit them back but once in a while it will slip.

    The worst is getting hit up late at night. I used to date this dudes twin sister and he started hitting me up at like midnight or later. Always wanting a dub or sometimes me to front him a dub. I told him I'm sure as shit not getting out of bed to front him shit. After that, he hit me up saying he had cash and wanted a dub. I went out and he had $10 and wanted the other half fronted. I pulled half the bud out of the sack, gave it to him, and stopped answering his calls.

  4. Totally.. I mean, shouldn't they WANT to take your calls? My guy is a medium-level dealer... deals in ounces mostly. He'll never have more than one zip on hand. I just feel like he should want to sell to me, especially since I buy a zip from him every 2 weeks! (I'll buy a half zip a week)

  5. Exactly.. theyre making money off of you, you would think theyd try to be the best dealer possible.
  6. When a dealer is either too cool or too lazy to get money, or starts acting like he's doing you a favor by taking your money, or just can't be counted on, it's definitely time to change sources, especially since you already have the connect. Don't put up with crappy businesspeople if you don't have to... no matter what the industry. Good luck with the new guy.
  7. #7 OhioStateBuckeyes, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2012
    you guys have to remember that dealers are only human, too. usually extremely high people, to be exact. now i have no idea on how this guy works, but if your a dealer and get 15+ phone calls a day for bud, plus a 9-5 job, plus regular phone calls (family, friends, etc.), you forget to call people back. it happens. i mean, you want the weed right? things dont get served on a silver platter; you gotta get up and go get that shit!

    you never know what the dealer is going through, too. what if they're out of weed and not answering their phone, because the dealer's dealer said hed "call him right back," but the phone call never came. so now this dealer is waiting on his weed, which he should have had already, but his dude is taking forever, prompting him to not answer his phone. what if hes sitting there getting pissed off, weedless watching his phone ring saying "this asshole should have been here two hours ago!"

    or the guy can just be a genuine douche. you never know. but hey dont think all dealers are shit.

    after 5 days man, shit your good! its one thing if you call someone once a day (your not bothering them, believe me), and its totally another thing if you call someone 15 times in a day. just remember, the world doesnt revolve around you, and it doesnt revolve around the dealer either. just be patient!!!

    but if your talking about picking up 1+ pound(s), than ixnay everything i said because thats a whole different have to do good business when dealing with thousands of dollars....
  8. as a common courtesy all the dealer had to do was call or text with" Will text/call when dry skin is over." Simple, direct, to the point.

    Why do people always gotta complicate shit? Its been said already, and ya got the new guy, replace the old one.
    Enjoy your new good fortune.
  9. Is your new dealer professional? Texting, calling, good service, etc... If so, I say go with the new dealer especially if he has better weed than your other dealer.
  10. That's why it's better to have 2-3 dealers.

    Just in case.
  11. That's weird. My guy's always texting me asking if i want to buy, if he got anything new in, if its a new connect he got from. etc. lol
  12. ^^^^^ so does mine but he has been a friend for 14 years and he is my care giver. ;)
  13. He couldn't go out because of dry skin???

    What the fuck

  14. When I say "hang out" to him, he knows it means "can I buy weed?" lol

    and "dry skin" was just a way of saying he was out.
  15. Not sure about the new guy. I only got from him once and it was through a friend... my friend says he delivers (which is how I got bud from him...he came to my friend's apartment). That is definitely legit.

    I might pickup today, and if that's the case, I may give my original guy the benefit of the doubt since I've been going through him for a few months now. If he's not responsive, then I'll have to go through my new guy :D Either way, traveling/distance isn't an object for me atm

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