i am bored, need some intelligent/interesting conversation. i have surrounded myself in conversations that were about everyone's daily drama today. would like to talk to anyone about life, death, the pursuit of happiness? i don't really care as long as its not half retarded...
ALL religion though? Christianity i can agree with, that is quite obvious from any awakened mind. you can say the same for buddism and islam? not that i know too much about them as a religion. as far as death goes, absolutely. people are so frightened of death and aging. death is inevitable. i wish i could free people of that fear. i'm not saying i want to die tomorrow, i want to live as long as it feels right, but it is going to happen at some point but my energy will go somewhere. do you have any beliefs on how we got here and where we are going after death?
not sure? i have researched very little on it. i enjoy science but i enjoy the feeling of energy, more of the spiritual side of science. care to explain in your terms? hopefully not too scientific for me?
Probably not all religion. And I don't know enough about islam or buddism. On how we got here. I either think some sort of higher power is controlling things or evolution just took place. I could see it going either way. Since I can't say for fact, I couldn't see myself getting completely behind one. After death. I believe the human brain is so powerful that when we die,it is whatever we believe in. If I believe when we die we all become flying squirrels on some paradise beach. Dammit, I want to be a flying squirrel when I grow up.
touche. i like the idea of death being whatever we believe it to be. i have found interesting facts to back that up. but what happens to our energy? is it recycled? do you believe in reincarnation? aliens? a flying squirrel does sound fun!
Did you know that the average lifespan of an individual in the 11th century was just 35 years old? Or that assassin's didn't actually use projectile weapons? Instead opting for a blade. I'm full of useless information...Well, historical information, but hell, no one learns from it so it might as well be useless.
I've found something very interesting in my many hours of boredom. Apparently our brain dumps out a ton of "DMT" from our pineal gland.... which would mean that you basically trip hard before death. Would that mean that using DMT is like experiencing death?
interesting thought. i dont know what book i was reading that talked about death being whatever you believed it to be, but the same book referred to how dmt is released during your dreams. once you learn to control your dreams, lucid dreaming, you can control your death or life after it. have you ever had a lucid dream? i am gettin better at it
I find it fairly ignorant of people to assume that we live in in another life or being after death, what I mean is nobody is really that special so why do we think were so special we get reincarnated and stuff ? At the end of the day were another statistic and a body . But I do belive in god and my family are Christians , as am i in the form I belive in God and Jesus but I think I have my own relationship with God instead of what another man tells me God wants of me .
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWSx0bBiNIs]Jack Nicholson - You can't handle the truth - YouTube[/ame] Aside from that vagueness. Back to this buisness discussion. Are you thinking about a type of buisness or just throwing it out there as a topic. I think a fishing/hiking/hunting guide buisness would be cool. Buy up some land and lake property, a boat, stock the lake with fish, take rich people out for good money. Or rent boats, canoes, and kayaks out to others. Then you could expand it in any number of directions after getting some good employees and sucess. Move onto ocean boat charters, mountain climbing or hiking expeditions, or making indoor facilities for people to practice water sports during the winter.
why is it ignorant? take aside YOUR beliefs and try to look at science from a non Christian point of view.. energy is neither created nor destroyed. so therefore our energy goes somewhere. the universe is vast. cant help but to think we are ignorant if we think we are the only intelligent beings.. i believe in God too. But mine is more generalized. i like learning about other religions. i think that it is ignorant to think only one is right. that mentality almost makes racism ok. to each there on absolutely. i am NOT trying to put you down for your beliefs, please dont take it as such.. my uncle was christian and as he was dying he was telling us he saw the gates less than a minute before he passed. so that goes back to whatever you believe is what is real to you.