Hey guys.. I was killing time online and i came across a bunch of pretty interesting articles printed in a magazine called "New Scientist", I think its a British magazine however i might be wrong, I just liked these because none of them really appeared to be biased to me and were pretty cool...however I'm in now way claiming these to be 100% true and accurate but i liked them anyway hehe I figured i'd save u guys time and just put what the article is about so you can decide what you wanna read and what you dont wanna read as I'm sure most of u will only be interested in certain articles. MJ and memoryloss: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/mg18925434.900-potsmoking-your-way-to-memory-loss.html MJ and driving: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/dn8407-cannabis-doubles-the-risk-of-fatal-crashes.html MJ and brain cell growth: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/dn8155-marijuana-might-cause-new-cell-growth-in-the-brain.html MJ and Psychosis: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/dn6745-psychotic-symptoms-more-likely-with-cannabis.html http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/mg18624953.800-cannabis-and-schizophrenia-link-blurs-further.html MJ might help keep arteries clear: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/mg18624956.000-cannabis-may-help-keep-arteries-clear.html MJ helps multiple sclerosis sufferers: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/dn6387-cannabis-truly-helps-multiple-sclerosis-sufferers.html MJ and pregnancy: http://www.newscientist.com/channel/being-human/drugs-alcohol/dn3543-marijuana-use-in-pregnancy-damages-kids-learning.html Enjoy, Be safe and happy toking (Oh and I'm really not sure if I posted this in the right place, I wasnt sure and this seemed to be my safest bet.)
mmkay well i don't have time to read them right now, but i promise i will read them later on after my class k? yeah
aye, captain haha (she's a little copy cat ) well i agree with the first article, because your memory is AWFUL...hardly remember anything i would not be surprised if more accidents happened with stoners than a sober person, due to the fact that they ARE under the influence and decision making is slowed not sure i am with the psychosis article though. Perhaps with those only predisposed to it, but i do not see how marijuana could actually CAUSE it in regular people and due to the fact that i do not want to make this long, i will agree with you that these were an interesting read +rep
Those are some good articles... they're all a little sketchy though. None of them are really very straight forward, for example the article that talks about brain cell regeneration, in the experiment they use a chemically similar drug as opposed to actual THC (synthetic or organic, doesn't matter).
^Tokinblue and nushaganazad's love?? for sure....its just oooozing outta both of you for each other <3 hehe
those are all very interesting articles......................thank you for showing them to us.............it has some very useful information that might come in handy during some of my arguments................thanks a bunch...............