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Interested In Medical Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Savvos, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. I dont know if this is the right place to post this, but im interested in medical marijuana i havent been to the doctors in a while but i can gaurentee that i have some sort of anxiety problem and I love weed it hasnt failed me in the past but lately its also been the cause of my anxiety, i have another post on that subject as well, but maybe if i get into the medical marijuana shit then maybe i wont have anymore issues with weed causing my anxiety when i smoke i dont really feel anxiety when i dont smoke i kinda feel normal, but when i do smoke sometimes i get a major case of anxiety and it actually feels as if im going to die and its getting on my nerves cause i love that green kush, i would pefer weed over any drug any day. Especially as medicine, So please feel free to let me know anything that would guide me to answering my 
    issue. Thanks

  2. slapping a medicinal label on it isnt going to change how you react.

    what you need to do is figure out how to calm down and be comfortable in your own mind. its a personal thing, nobody will be able to help you with it entirely. at some point you just have to realize cannabis has killed 0 people in recorded history and you sure wont be the first.
  3. Some medical weed is pretty strong. I don't know what your tolerance level/smoking history is, so if you get a card for it ask at the dispensary what strain won't make you catatonic when you smoke it.
  4. Get that mmj recommendation as soon as you can if it's available to you in your state. Use Google to find the best doctor/deal because you want a legitimate doctor for a legit price.

    Once you have your rec, use weedmaps to find a dispensary near you. Once you choose a dispensary, ask the budtenders as many questions about anything cannabis and they should be able to provide you with great product knowledge.

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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