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Intense, Odd Experience

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by SomeWonder, May 28, 2010.

  1. Now I've been around the weed block a few times, but something happened last night that really threw me for a loop. I was in a really weird mood, my girlfriend and I had been fighting and she went to sleep, so I packed a bowl of this Kush I picked up in Woodstock and went outside to go think. Halfway through the bowl, my eyes started to play tricks on me. Ordinary objects started to look like faces and patterns, zoning out truly gave me a shroom sensation, and my emotions got very intense as I sat pondering. I didn't want to move for a good hour, because the experience was so odd and new (something that doesn't happen often anymore with ganja.)

    I had some major insights, and I <3 the herb even more now. Has this happened to anyone else? Can one's emotional/ mental state really have that big of an impact on one's high? Shit was intense, I'd like to hear some feedback.

  2. sounds like an indica high, and kush would be an indica hahaha....And your mental/emotional state is everything you have.... your mind percieves existance, so i would see being in different moods could affect perception of an altered state
  3. Can't say I've ever seen anything because I was high, but I definately believe mental state before you light up has a big impact on your high. I've also noticed for me personally that if I fixate on a thought, or an object or whatever when I'm high, that thought/object takes on a whole new meaning after a while. Like if I stare at my kitchen tile when I'm high, I always realize that I'm basically walking outside... Inside (I have stone tiles). So its possible you just thought about it so much that it became more intense. If you focus on your high, it seems to become more pronounced. Then you get sidetracked, and you barely notice the same buzz. It could be that.
  4. I saw strippers when I was high...:devious:
  5. I totally feel you. I would like to try meditating on the high, as opposed to meditating on one's breath etc. Maybe there are some important aspects to the herb I've been overlooking by smoking in my usual mindset.
  6. ive done a lot of meditating high, i find using an indica like kush, or cheese makes it easier, and sativas make it harder cause they give you the head high and make clearing your head a lot harder...with all those random thoughts you get hahahahha
  7. It happens to me when I have absolutely nothing to worry about so I just completely zone out.
  8. that same shit happend to me a few weeks ago and last nite..its like i went outside and was kinda trippin out..i saw faces in the clouds everytime i looked and it was crazy..and a full moon last nite..i also felt very uneasy and thought i was having a panic was crazy for a short time but i was ok afterward.
  9. Sometimes when I'm high alone in my room I hear very clear distinct opera singing in my head. It's really weird, but really cool.

  10. Lol I wish that could happen to me except Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air :D
  11. This was probably the cause of deep emotion. If the fight was serious. And it sounds like you smoked some danky dank.
  12. haha thats crazy you say this.. Some times when my mom goes on trips out of town i smoke at night and i sit there and look out my window as i am ripping my bong and its almost as everything is more colorful like the suns out and sometimes it looks like it moves??? I love going on walks and chillin in the undeveloped neighborhoods behind my house :)
  13. This happened to me when i was a noobie, the second time i smoked i used like 1/32 of a bowl and was good, so i decided to finish it off. Started hearing voices like yelling and screaming, then i started staring straight ahead and my entire field of vision started to kaleidoscope so i looked at the ground then the ground started coming at me in waves with intense multi spectrum colors. This had happened the first time but only with my eyes closed so it freaked me out a bit, now i wish it was possible for me to get close to that high again.
  14. If you're interested in that, you could take acid.
  15. Yeaaa man I get some shroom flashbacks when I burn sometimes too

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