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Intense feelings while high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jeff88, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, so I've been smoking for about a year and I wonder if any of you get some of the intense rushes that I get every time I smoke.

    The best way to describe it is if you are going down a roller coaster, the G forces that are intense and sometimes almost painful. I get this almost every time I smoke more than a few bowls. I call them head orgasms, because if I make it through one without freaking out it's like an explosion of ecstasy inside my brain. Leading up to this 'explosion' is almost mind bending and I literally have to tense up to avoid my arms and legs from moving uncontrollably.

    They're so intense I almost don't look forward to smoking more than a bowl or two. Any of you get this??
  2. Fuck yes dude i have the same shit ur talkin bout like i breath in hard and it feels like I'm thrown 100ft in the air and breath out and come back to earth with this sorta head rush is that what ur talkin bout

  3. Sounds a lot like it. Mine doesn't happen when I breathe, it's more like I'm being slingshot around a planet or something. lol

    I bet I look stupid as fuck all tensed up and shit. haha
  4. [quote name='"jeff88"']

    Sounds a lot like it. Mine doesn't happen when I breathe, it's more like I'm being slingshot around a planet or something. lol

    I bet I look stupid as fuck all tensed up and shit. haha[/quote]

    Lol yeah i know what u feel like its really intense huh
  5. i get that when im peaking on unmentionables, on bud not a chance! sorry im no help
  6. unmentionables? what the hell is that? why is everyone saying it?
  7. [quote name='"Ali20"']unmentionables? what the hell is that? why is everyone saying it?[/quote]

    Cuz talk about drugs other than marijuana & alcohol is against the rules...unmentionables.
  8. I had that once, except it would surge allthroughout my body. In the head was the strongest part.
    It's when I ate an edible, and quite alot of it. CRAZIEST body high EVER! CAN be unpleasant, can feel amazing. But your head just feels crazy
  9. You're perfectly describing a certain unmentionable.
  10. If I move my head to fast, I'll get that rollercoaster feeling.
  11. only my first smoke after a 4 week T-brake
  12. sometimes when I close my eyes and/or lean my head back I have very interesting sensations that can't really be described. I've noticed that sometimes I get different physical sensations going on in my body when I have different emotions, like my mind and body are better connected or something.
  13. I smoked myself out with some friends the other weekend... lol had to play uno with his mom... felt like o was in the movie 24 :hippie:
  14. Yeah, only for me it is more like being on this theme park ride. It's a ship that moves like a swing only it spins around 360 degrees. I feel like I am on that ride sometimes. I've been smoking for about a year as well. (Maybe two) I only feel like that when I smoke waaaay too much. Like, if I'm trying to hit a gravity bong or something.
  15. I know what u feel like its really intense[​IMG]

  16. same here... never on weed..

    sounds like rushes of paranoia. the highest ive ever been, you just feel weightlessness, like you're floating. thats from really good kush.

    however those intense head rushes and feelings of ecstacy.... yep, definitely unmentionables :bongin:
  17. I get that feeling when I smoke too much. And I got it once when I came home hammered after a party (only been drinking alcohol) and then I laid down on my bed and played some PS3, and then I closed my eyes because I was tired and I felt an extreme rush like the one you described. Very weird, indeed.
  18. Get this if I do a turd while high LOL
  19. wait till u get a tolerance and cant get that anymore it sucks
  20. I've smoked for 5 years almost daily and I still get it.

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