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Intellectual Stoners

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nstyle, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I;m high while typing this so bear with me. I was wondering if anyone knew anybody that went/goes to ivy league schools like harvard, yale, and princeton yet are smokers. I want to prove to my friend that if you can smoke responsibly, you can live a normal life just like anybody else.

    So yeah, can people who do MJ still have the possibility of making it to a prestigious college ?
  2. I'm sure Harvard has its fair share of stoners. Just because kids are smart doesnt mean they dont like having fun.
  3. Ted turner and Steve jobs were both potheads in their early years. Ted turner is one of the fouNders off CNN and Steve jobs created apple. Not exactly normal lives but it proves you can have a successful life which seems to be what you are looking for. There are hundreds of other examples like this too.
  4. What you will learn is that smoking in general is almost overly widespread in all college communities, so it really doesn't matter whether you go to an Ivy League school like Dartmouth (where a certain parent of mine is a professor), or U** (like me). Now about intellectually, you are who you are, pot shouldn't effect your "goals", unless pot is your goal.
  5. My friend goes to Bucknell and he is one of the smartest kids I know. he also tokes daily on dank. Out of all those schools there has to be at least one toker. Also, just because some one goes to yale does not mean they are smarter than everyone else
  6. intellectual and ivy league mean fucking nothing. You dont need to go to an ivy league school to be intellectual i mean lol

  7. Where do you apply for university asterisk asterisk?
  8. I've been accepted into Stratford Culinary school lol... it has its own tv show :D

  9. So did my highschool hahahahahaa
  10. MIT has their fair share of stoners...
  11. i go to a pretty prestigious liberal arts college and there is definitely a substantial stoner/ casual smoking population.
  12. I'm attending community college in my local city before I go on to the army and like 50% of the school blazes lol. Many teachers aswell.
  13. One of my friends is going to Reed and is a stoner. He is probably the smartest kid I know.
  14. my friend is a pharmacist hes a pothead! smokes everyday
  15. My friend also goes to Reed, and in the student handbook (written by students), there's a large chunk of it on drugs, and how to use each drug. :smoke:

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