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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mr. M, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. Now im back home, pretty zooted ahahah. Im all ready to do somthing at 10 13. Should get some homework done, maybe even right a novel :D

    Trying to get some roxies, Ill be speedballlllinnnnn
  2. upper + downer = dieeee

  3. No, not true. Don't go around telling people they're going to die without any proof. From what i've heard it's certainly more dangerous, but then again mixing any drugs is. The ampetamine high comes on in waves and it's like switching between being sped-up and sedated.

    But still, OP watch yourself. Know your stuff and educate yourself on how to make the experience as safe as possible.

  4. Good words
  5. Ahahha By the time i get these roxies, Ill probley be comming down from the AMPs any way. Thanks for looking out guys
  6. It was a joke but whatever obviously your not going to die but it wont be pleasant

  7. Haha, I ALWAYS tried to describe this to people and everyone thought I was crazy. Like I could walk a mile and then chill the fuck out in some dry riverbed.
  8. #8 pinball wizard, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2009
    no, downer+downer=resperatory arrest, upper+upper=cardiac arrest, downer+upper=slightly dangerous fun.

    *edit*I wouldn't really know, but I can't imagine it's particularly dangerous if the user doesn't exceed their normal doses of either drug being used. I thought it's dangerous because you might not be able to feel one enough, and take more or something, and when the other wears off and stops canceling it's effects a bit, you can OD on the other. Right?

  9. kinda like the feeling of bipolar.. being up and happy then down and sad.. but in a sedated way

  10. Haha, some guy is freaking out wondering if he is dying from a redose of speed, and he goes here and sees "upper+upper=cardiac arrest"
  11. haha sucks ur class was cancelled. but yea get ahead on the HW

  12. Well I meant different uppers :p

    Like I would expect it would be very unwise to take coke and an amp.

  13. Oh yes. Mainly the things to watch out for is the stupid shit. I ate a bunch of nutmeg once because I was stupid and thought I wouldnt get high. Well I wait 4 hours and nothing happens, so I go to bed. I woke up in such a brutal haze. Like I thought I was dying, and my ears were ringing loud as hell. I tried taking a shower, but I just passed out and hit my head on the tub. I thought I was going to die, so I drink like 9 glasses of water, and I dont even feel like I have to throw up. But my eyes were like fucking lasers man, it was horrible. Like I had to drive 15 miles, and when I got on campus, like the first person to see me was like "Dude what the fuck?". Like people probably thought I was posessed, I was like groaning from the pain and my face was pale, and I am a pretty tan guy. Yeah, but stupid shit like that you need to watch out for. That shit was pretty hilarious looking back though. I told everyone I had a conciouscion.

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