Do any of you guys no how to install computer fans or no of any tutorials on how to do it? because im setting up a pc grow box and i dont how to install one and get it running any of you guys can help? leave rumple some rep
Ummm thx but it didn't really expain what I was looking for ..I want to no how to setup the fan so that it can be pluged in to an outlet ...
go to radio shack and get a switchable power supply... 20 dollars.... cut the end off and wire the wires...... page two of the exact same link i sent you.... second post down.... and read rumples response.... next time try reading carry on here.. found it in the DIY section= (do it yourself) maybe you wanted something with more pictures and less words
Here's what you do: Get the fan you cpu fan you want they range anywhere from $10-$100+ I'm not really sure what the difference is I'm a poor guy so I went with the cheapest I could find which was $10. Once you have your fan you need a power supply. What your looking for here is a wall charger for a cellphone, camera, mp3 player, anything really. You want it to match the voltage of your fan so it runs at optimal speed. Mine was a 12 v fan so I had to do some hunting to find a 12 v power supply. I noticed most cell phone chargers are only 5 volts. Once you have a power supply the rest is easy you need wire strippers. Strip the ends off the black and red wires on both the fan and the power supply. My power supply was 2 individually wrapped wires in a single casing so i had to split the wires myself you may have to do this as well. after there stripped simply match red wire to red wire black to black fan to power supply. There was a third wire on my fan that was a yellow color, this wire is not used leave it loose and just tidy it up with the rest of the wires and tape so it doesnt stray. I was told this is the temp. gauge and is not necessary because the fan will run constantly. When you match the wires you want to twist them up good so they are making good contact and then wrap them tightly in black electrical tape. After all the wires are secure test it to make sure it turns in the right direction if it goes counter clockwise you will need to reverse your wires. This should only take you 5 minutes to do once you have the tools necessary.