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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chronic Blood, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Well, I've recently decided to go on a break from marijuana, after a summer full of smoking. I need to get fit and back up to standards for Ice Hockey, and I don't think the pot was doing to great for me either.

    The last time I got baked was monday... Tuesday Night I had less than half a cone and got to sleep alright, wednesday the same. Now its thursday night, or should I say friday morning about 3:20am. I set my Air Conditioner for 3.5 hours. And about 10 minutes ago it turned off, and I was still awake. This is the first night I haven't had ANY smoke at all, and honestly thought I would get to sleep alright. I woke up early, did a few things around the house, washed clothes ect. Then in the evening I had an hour of extremely strenuous exercise at Ice Hockey Training. So it's fair to say I've had a reasonably long and active day, yet I still can't sleep.

    I need some sleep, tomorrow night I will just try everything I can, whether it's cat-mint tea, or a couple of melatonin, I need sleep.

    If anyone has any tips or tricks on getting to sleep easier They would be much appreciated.

  2. Your body is just used to that feeling of smoking before sleeping, and now that you aren't smoking your body is out of cycle. Give it a couple days and you should be sleeping normal. Take some tylonol pm or nyquil and you should pass out.
  3. Yeah just have to give it a day or to. When i started my break it took one day of restless sleep to get back on a pattern.

    I guess you could try some spice to relax you and get an almost weed feeling. I personally do not like spice but it might help.

    Also like channel said try some cold medicine that will knock u out. Idk maybe some warm milk

  4. Yeah thanks, I tried to find some cough medicine but no luck... I went downstairs to make a 3AM Snack, and the only herbal tea I could find was Peppermint Tea, that looked remarkably like ground weed. I brewed some up and put a squeeze of lemon in, and I'm not usually one for tea but it was great. I'm more relaxed now and I'm going to give sleeping another shot. Cheers :)
  5. Melatonin is a saviour for those first few nights you can't sleep on T-break

  6. Yeah... usually, this time no. 2 didn't even get me to sleep the whole night, it's 6am now and I've given up. I'll just tough it out til tonight, then hopefully have an awesome sleep.
  7. hit the gym bro
  8. I had Insomnia the first time I quit smoking weed after continuously toking during the nights. It goes back to normal after a few days and if you ever quit again, it shouldn't really happen. From my experience I can confirm that it's not at all a physical thing, more of a mental thing. I initially thought that I was having physical withdrawals, but your body does not absolutely require weed in order to sleep, nor would the absence of weed inhibit your sleep. It's most likely all in your head and you missing the feeling of being high, it should definitely go away soon though.

  9. 1 Hour of Ice Hockey training with my coach is as good as 3 hours in the gym... believe me.
  10. Dude, I'm in the same boat as you right now. The last time I toked was monday, and now it's friday morning 4 am. Haven't been able to sleep for shit even though I've been up for 22 hours. It's all good though, because I know it'll be totally worth it once my 2 week t break is over:smoke:

  11. Dude what a coincidence, that we both had our last toke on monday then went on a break? :smoke: But yeah, I was planning on a 2 week break as well, but I decided it wont hurt to go sesh with a mate today :)
  12. I have bad insomnia. I used to also be very unactive. Now that i've gotten myself a job where a work full time, sleep is a problem with me. Maybe try being more active, go running/jogging exercise.

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