Anyone here suffer from insomnia? Seems like the only way I can fall asleep when I want to is if I blaze. Took 3 doses of Nyquil tonight since I spent all my money on Yayo last night and I still couldn't fall asleep. God damn, I hate this shit! /rant.
I did a tiny tiny tiny line(less than the normal nummy) at about 7pm cause that's all I had left. That was 5 hours ago. It didn't give me really anything besides a 5 minute numbness. So no, coke has nothing to do with it. I just can never sleep.
Masturbate until you are very very tired....then eat till your stomach is full....then have a glass of warm milk.....that should do the trick.
I have terrible insomnia... Sadly I'm trying not to buy any herb for awhile so I can save money...I'm about to move... I know this is probably really bad for you but the only way I can sleep is with Tylenol PM or generic PM stuff...
I've had a lot of luck with Melatonin... I can take half of a 1mg tablet and be nodding off while sitting up within an hour or two. One thing I like about it is that if I take it for a couple days at a certain time, and then stop, it still helps regulate my sleep cycle enough that I'll get tired around the same time I'd normally take it. At least for a day or two. So forgetting to take it for a couple nights doesn't cause me to not be able to sleep. Also, don't neglect the importance of keeping a good sleep schedule, and definitely exercising! Try going to for a jog or a nice brisk walk a few hours before bed. It should help relax you a bit.
Melatonin ftw^ To get the most out of it, take it for a week at the same time every night and after that week or so you'll be on a normal sleep schedule