Insects Scary But Why?

Discussion in 'General' started by PostPunk420, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Many many people I have ever come across are afraid of insects especially spiders. What is it about human beings that make us afraid of these things? 99% of the time we have never been hurt by them.
  2. I don't fucking know.

    They just seem to bother some people. Probably because they're small and they creep around and shit, haha.

    I actually like bugs. They are part of the circle of life. They provide meals for a lot of animals in an ecosystem.

    Now I wish I could go to college to be a biologist. *Sigh.

  3. yea fuck that
  4. Man, giant fucking spider nest like that is a new fear man...fucking scary. Immagine sticking your head in a big spider web AW.
  5. Big hairy spiders freak me out like the above. Cockroaches also freak me out. But bugs and moths and that type of shit im fine with.
  6. My guess is it's an evolutionary thing, those individuals with the innate fear of spiders etc stayed away from them and didn't get bitten. Those without the trait died, probably in childhood and so were unable to pass their genes on.
  7. it also includes the fear for snakes and other things that are just really different from ourselves, over the generations many ppl have developed ore of a curiosity of it than a fear. its totally genetic, like the fear of the dark as children, when we were still in caves, creepy , crawly things *snakes, bugs* were dangerous, and the dark...big hungry things live in the dark so stay away from it!
  8. I don't mind spiders, worms, ants, or any other bug really, but I'm deathly afraid of moths to the point I almost feel like I can't breathe if there's one in the room with me.

    I don't know how it started, or why but the little fuckers have attacked me in my sleep and shit. They hands down are the worst bugs EVER
  9. I'm not really scared of insects or spiders.... unless I happen to come across a Black Widow or Brown Recluse. And even then I'm more respectful than scared.
  10. in florida we love spiders they eat the skeeters
  11. Why are humans afraid of spiders and insects you ask?

    Well, look at that picture, that big motherfucker is intimidating. They are known to be fast also, which may scare people. I'm not afraid of spiders, but poisinous ones I do not fuck with.
  12. We used to put scorpions in the microwave, they do a geat little dance before they blow up...then you can smoke the goopy venom, like its hash produces a high of multi-level enjoyment...'mind-numbing'...And after smoking the dried goop venom oil of a scorpion you are no longer afraid of bugs.

    Do not try this at home, unless you are really bored.
  13. Fuck spiders, fuck bees, fuck wasps, fuck yellow jackets, ahhhhhh.
  14. bugs are scary because people are pussies.....some bugs like the poisonious bitey ones kinda freak me out but i would own any bug in a fight so they dont really bother a human being if i wanted to i could kill every bug on the planet
  15. [​IMG]
  16. People hate bugs because

    1) Theyre creepy looking mother fuckers
    2) Most bite
    3) What's to like about them? other than they help with mosqitoes and our eco system and what not, but we don't directly observe those things, so for the most part we just observe them as well.... little biting creepy things.
  17. I'm like that with roaches, i'll run like a bitch into my mom's room in the AM and have her kill it. Now I just throw my cat at them and lock him with it, so he dont bring it in my room.

    I think spiders are totally lame though.
  18. The appendages on bugs are just fuckin' weird and creepy.

    And the thought that one little bite from those fuckers will paralyze your ass.

    Their legs are like hinges, and they like creep and jump around and shit. Creepy as hell.
  19. spiders are just fucking scary to us by human nature, but some of us are just used to it probably. for me im scared of spiders and crawling bugs and big ass flies.

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