Insanity and Revelation: All My Life *MindFuck*

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by E n i g m a, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 E n i g m a, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    I was listening to this song All My Life by Foo Fighters and it reminded me of how I perceived symbolism in it that was relevant to what I was going through at the time when I thought my friend was a possessed by a demon and sociopathic. I at the time was going through a psychosis that lasted for a couple of months, which has occurred to me twice. Paranoid-Schizophrenia like symptoms, bad delusions, such as the classic the tv is talking to me delusion.
    I read here that depression and marijuana intoxication can cause this. So then it wouldn't be psychosis

    I currently am fine but I still think this individual is a psychopath, but not possessed.


    All my life I've been searching for somethin
    Somethin never comes, never leads to nothin
    Nothin satisfies, but I'm gettin close
    Closer to the prize at the end of the rope

    A lonely person, lost in the world, looking for something or someone, but it constantly evades them every time they get close.

    All night long I dream of the day
    When it comes around, and it's takin away
    Leaves me with the feelin that I fear the most
    Feel it come to life when I see your ghost

    Your lonely thoughts are consumed by this idealic world you fantasize about, when a person comes into you life and makes them feel like you are finally amongst your own kind in your fantasy world, they slip it out from under you. Leaving you feeling disillusioned, when you see the real them. The wolf inside them masquerading as a sheep.

    Calm down, don't you resist
    Your such a delicate rist
    And if I give it a twist
    Somethin to hold when I lose my grip

    Will I find something in there,
    To give it just what it needs
    Another reason to bleed
    One by one, hidden up my sleeve

    One by one, hidden up my sleeve

    This is you becoming influenced by them, wanting to give them whatever they want to be happy, another reason to bleed(feel alive). You've got them one by one hidden up your sleeve. You have more and more to offer them, the more involved you get.

    Hey, don't let it go to waste
    I love it but, I hate that taste
    Weight keeping me down

    A human soul, don't let it go to waste! It weighs them down and keeps them in place.

    Will I find the believer
    Another one who believes
    Another one to decieve
    Over and over, down on my knees

    These fucked up sociapathic people who live amongst us largely undetected, may just seem tortured and eccentric. These people suck you into their world and kill your soul. Find a believer, another one who believes, basically an innocent, a nieve person. One you can manipulate, deceive, take it all from. Another because maybe someone did it to them originally.

    If I get any closer, I
    And if you open up wide
    And if you let me inside
    On and on, I've got nothin to hide
    On and on I've got nothin to hide

    Think of this as talking to the adversary or the sociopath, which are one in the same, coming in.

    Hey, don't let it go to waste
    I love it but, I hate that taste
    Weight keeping me down

    All my life I've been searching for somethin
    Somethin never comes, never leads to nothin
    Nothin satisfies, but I'm gettin close
    Closer to the prize at the end of the rope

    All night long I dream of the day
    When it comes around, and it's takin away
    Leaves me with the feelin that I feel the most
    Feel it come to life when I see your ghost

    And I'm Done, done; on to the next one
    Done, done, and I'm on to the next one
    Done, done, and I'm on to the next one
    Done, done, and I'm on to the next one

    When they are done with you, they are truly done with you. They don't recycle their victims. Once they have deceived you, it's never the same for them or you again. Thus they are done and on to the next one.

    If you listen to this song, hopefully you will never think of it the same again ;)

  2. #2 E n i g m a, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Leave a reply :wave:
    I'm talking to you and only you.
  3. im scared
  4. First off I'm glad you overcame this natural occurence..
    Yeah, you pretty much got it..
    I felt that one..
    These are most likely the people that will go down...into the ground...about 600ft deep.....
    People can love or hate music....and these people just have a passion for hating it...haha
    Delusional can always spot em out ;)
  5. been there, done that

  6. PM me about it. :)

  7. So which part is normal? :confused:
    I bet there are a lot of these people in Cali lol
  8. Damn right there are..There called emotional people...EMOS!
    Ones who can't find there sould and live in a life filled of darkness..
    Never allowing the light to come in.
    Causing many bad symtoms such as the ones you named..Delusion...Lonliness...Inhumanity..Lack of motivation to on so forth..
  9. I was the delusional one.
    But my ex-friend she is the suspected sociopath
    I have been depressed to the point of derealization
    Not from wanting it to be that way though
  10. My head..............owowowo my head.

    You raped my head. o_O
  11. Is anyone a fan of this song?

    Fantastic, fantastic :devious::hello::smoke:
  12. You aren't a psychiatrist don't try and diagnose yourself. If you think your schizo they have a test for that.

    Maybe it's a delusion that you finally got past your delusions and your mind is lying to itself because it can't come to grips with the fact that the first delusion is reality?

    mind fuck lol

  13. No, I know the diagnostic criteria for Paranoid-Schizophrenia.
    And I don't fit, you have to have symptoms for 6 months.
    I just said Paranoid-Schizophrenic-like symptoms.
  14. lol my bad, but don't you wanna figure out what it is?

  15. It isn't relevant to me now now, this was like two years ago.
    I have experienced this a few times.
    Under undue stress, deep depression and mild sleep deprivation.
    I did get medication for it at one time, the first time.
    They diagnosed it as toxic psychosis, because I had no history of psychosis and I had taken some dramamine and stayed up the day before.
    I am asymptomatic and not taking drugs for anything. ;)
  16. this wont stop anything... their all just innocents.. people are becoming even more easily manipulated now then ever before.
  17. How coincidental that I listened to this song earlier today. I didn't hear the symbolism then, but I agree with this message. What I could hear originally is the stress and tension and frustration in grohls voice. Now I know these are his feelings for that type of person. Fucking people

  18. Not necessarily man. lol
    But, who knows?
  19. dude you're weird...

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