insanity and lifting weights?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by RaiderJohnny420, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. Can i do insanity in the morning and lift weight later in the day is that too much for the body or what ; and what about lifting weights and p90x can i not follow the schedule and still get results
  2. As long as you take in proper nutrition that is an excellent routine! It's ideal for the body since insanity is more cardio/intensity orientated and then the weights will give you your muscle strength/mass. Make sure you're taking in enough protein and carbs! At least 1-1.5g protein per lb of LEAN body mass(weight - bf%). Take in a good breakfast before insanity and a good post workout meal. Throwing in p90x is kind of unnecessary. Keep it to insanity in morning and lifting later on.
  3. I feel that would be a lot. How much workout experience do you have?

    You don't wanna run your body too hard. Rest is also very important when it comes to working out especially in the beginning. Also if you're gonna do this you better make sure you're eating enough food. You're gonna be burning a lit of calories doing both of those workouts.

    If you want my honest opinion i would just lift weights and do 15-20 min of cardio after you lift. Idk what body type you're looking for but either way that seems excesive
  4. Depends on your goals. If you're trying to build a lot of mass I would recommend lifting 3-4 times a week and doing Insanity 2-3 times a week separate from your lifting days. For general fitness it would be ideal to get 5-8 hours of rest between workouts if you want to do them on the same day.

    P90x is a good program but it may be a little much to incorporate more than twice a week if you're trying to make a lot of gains. I really only do the yoga and ab workouts here and there though (since these are already staples in my routine). If you have a good understanding of fitness and your body the best thing you can do is put a routine together and tweak it as you go. What does or does not work for one person may not affect you the same way.

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