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'Insane' reaction to weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by VikingToker, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey all,

    I've smoked with 15-20 people in my relatively short career as a stoner, and one of my oldest friends started smoking a lot more in the last 6 months.

    He used to be like the rest of us - chill, laughing, and contemplative.

    Things have taken a turn much for the worse - he's got reactions to weed now that I can only call "insane". He shouts, gets livid about all kinds of things, doesn't make any sense when he talks and doesn't react to anything we say to him. It's getting worse, and he's smoking more and more.

    Anyone who has any advice to give, any similar experiences, anything? We're getting desperate. :(
  2. Doesn't really make sense, is ur friend crazy for weed? Sounds like he's made his life revolve around weed. much like me, its hard to get out of.
  3. Weed doesn't make him act that way, he does. Maybe he has some underlying problem thats just now surfacing.
  4. Sounds an awful lot like he's got some sort of underlying mental issue that's been agravated by marijuana use, or perhaps was even brought out of a dormant state by marijuana use. That's certainly not unheard of.

    He may even have a diagnosed condition, that he should be medicated for, but instead is choosing to use marijuana to excape the problem, instead of taking his prescription. In some cases marijuana is a legit medical treatment, but in this case, if this is, in fact, what he's doing, it's certianly not doing him any good.

    I really recommend you try talking to him, if you can get him in a lucid state. And if that fails, go to his family, talk to them about his problems and his marijuana use and how you suspect it's making the problem worse. Now normally I wouldn't recommend ratting anyone out to their parents. But in his case, if it's really as bad as you say it is, he's endangering himself and his future, and you've got to do something man. Use this technique as a last resort of course, but do it if you have to.

  5. Nono, his high is just completely different. He gets up and starts pacing, shouting to us about hidden truths and systems of parentage and why the world is how it is and all kinds of things. Most of them don't make sense, even from an abstract point of view - and he does things like pulling on our arms to get us to stand up to "see the world" and all kinds of strange things. It happened quite suddenly, once we were toking, and it's been getting worse since. He smokes all the time, calls me up at random times and starts babbling about weird things. :(
  6. It's time to make new friends.
  7. Intervention.
  8. Ok, look, I got a buddy who I tried some white with. And from this day now, I won't be around him if he's on it. Just not a good thing nor friend if he's doing it.

  9. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. He's 22, so talking to his parents about it may be the best thing to do - especially considering that they are intelligent, caring people.
    I just don't know if it's right to make that decision for him.

    Can I ask, where have you heard about this 'latent issue' thing? Is it just word of mouth common knowledge? (I'm pretty new to the toking scene)

  10. Out of the question, he's one of those guys who bends over backwards to help you out if you need it.

  11. What is white? I'm a Norwegian suburb kid, the drug scene is new to me.

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