inline or multi chamber bubbler

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by DanKusHaze, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. due to recent comments im considering these new options
  2. Inline fo sho my tokin friend
  3. chambered bubblers are way cooler.
  4. I agree so much but from wut I hear inlines r great I already have a Sherlock bubbler really want more of a smooth clean cool hit. My bong does the killing for mE.

    On a side note I hate coughing and also on my experience bud don't have to b harsh to b dank I've had my top shelf that r so smooth ill trip people out how potent it is
  5. Inline dude, no doubt.
  6. inline all the way. so smooth.
  7. lol why would bud have to be harsh to be dank :confused:

    dank bud should be smooth as silk
  8. get an inline,,,theyre the shit ,,,,trust me ,,i make alot of them,,peace LEAR
  9. Which is harder to clean an inline looks like a mission to clean
  10. just keep it clean all the time and its not a problem at all,,peace LEAR
  11. I havent even tried one of LEAR's inlines but Im sure they are probably the sickest worked inlines around, you can get a custom one, and to top it all off hes a pretty chill guy...I plan on getting one a little later down the road. But as for the suggestion, how about a Ben Wilson Inline bubbler? Ive got one and its one of the nicest peiceses I own but it does need a new home...[​IMG]
  12. 4 out of 5 hot chicks prefer a in-line to a multi chamber bub, and when asked if they would put out if a guy offered to smoke them out with a in-line.
    All agreed "a man with a in-line is a man that knows his tools and how to use them"-
  13. mmm... If you can find a nice inline bubbler. GO FOR IT!>

    Dont double think it. Get it. Inline bubblers are kind of hard to find unless your in the right areas.

    Just make sure your willing to spend the cash.
  14. If you want an inline, just get an inline diffuser for a water pipe. If you want a bubbler, get a chambered bubbler. Inline bubblers are cool, but hand-blown glass is where its at.
  15. ima get a 4 chamber bubbler too many people have inlines
  16. more people have multi can bubs. Inlines are alot more rare.

  17. :laughing::laughing::laughing: best thing i heard all day. makes me sad that i sold my inline :(
  18. multi chamber bubb, and go all out i got a 5 chamber bubb and its amazing. not to mention it looks like it could be in some sort of glass art musuem.

  19. Post a picture of it can u this would really influence my decision

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