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Inhaling Techniques

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dirklogan, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Anybody have any cool inhaling techniques? I had a friend back in the day who told me about something he called the "waterfall." Apparently, somehow you inhale the smoke, let it out through your mouth and breath it back in through your nose. Anybody tried this or anything related?
  2. Thats french inhaling and yeah, its pretty easy.

    Anyways, theres this one trick where you blow the smoke out slowly into the air and inhale it back in. Ummm, I don't really know anything else. Most people who do those dumb tricks just try to look cool while they smoke. :rolleyes:
  3. light the bowl
    rip the bong

    get cheefy-eyed
  4. draw in, inhale, lay your head back, and exhale. get lifted.:wave:
  5. when you take a hit do you just hold it or do you swalllow then hold it?
  6. I know a guy who can blow smoke out only one nostril!
    It gets boring pretty fast though..
  7. yeah, that one where you blow out a cloud and suck it back in is called fishtailing, its one of the coolest tricks out there, Pineapple Express Seth Rogen FTW! but French inhaling is pretty cool too, If i take a big rip it helps me finish without coughing.

    But yeah be careful about those O's, they waste THC enriched smoke, and sometimes offend people.
  8. theyre also called mushroom clouds. if you look on youtube youll find tutorials on how to do it, fairly easy and by far the coolest trick imo.
  9. #9 ShanesStoned, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Well, I was smoking ciggarettes since i was in 5th grade, a few years back I started smoking marijuana, my "Trick list" includes, french inhaling(Irish Waterfall), Kill hits (Mouth or nose), Smoke bubbles and. Rings (Big rings, small rings, fast rings and slow rings)

    When smoking a blunt, take a hit, kill hit it, (Let the smoke float out your mouth in a nice ball then suck it back in) and repeat 2-3 times. Note: Don't exhale after each hit. Take 3-4 mini-hits, exhale, then take 3-4 mini-hits, exhale, pass.

    I do this method then I hold my hit in until the next person passes the bowl. Helps me get a guaranteed high time, even on mids.

    This method not only looks cool (the first few times) but it helps cool the smoke down, even if just a tiny bit.

    Happy tokin fellow blades :]


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