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inhaling ashes/small bits.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by biorobotics, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. i've been using one of these:
    very stealthy, seems to be working alright.
    problem is, the holes on both ends are big enough to let chunks of ash either fall out while i'm carrying it (in my pocket or bag), or be inhaled when i smoke (and, god forbid, some bits even have some green left on them).

    two questions:
    -anyone else who uses these pipes have this problem? how do you remedy it (aside from the obvious using a screen; i don't have any)?

    -is inhaling small bits of burnt weed really horrible for you? would it get you high? :rolleyes: am i wasting weed by letting these bits go?
  2. First, I suggest getting something like a small glass chillum. It's better to smoke out of, looks cooler, and you reducing the potential of you inhaling metal particles and what not. Get some glass screens for your chillum or even some metal ones. Use those and that way you can smoke the entire bowl until it is grey ash without having weed pull through.
  3. You would know if you were inhaling ashes or burnt weed. And you can always buy a pipe screen online or at a store.
  4. Inhaling ash or scooby snacks won't kill you, but it's obviously not fun.
  5. Inhaling burnt marijuana will not get you high. You can even eat a nug and WON'T get high. Inhaling ash is all apart of the game. It's not fun or anything, but it's going to happen every once in a while. I'd still suggest you to get a new piece though, my friend. Good luck.
  6. yeah... not much you can do but draw slowly.

    the worst is when you get that hot weed ember in the back of the throat.. fucking burns! :mad:

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