Ingrown Hairs II

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by IAMGROOT19, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Hi..well I have developed a bump around my vag & my nurse says it's an ingrown hair so I took word on that & this happened probably a couple days to less than 2 weeks after I waxed around my private area & this bastard is still here..iIwatched vids on how to remove it & I read one comment..the text had it written with something like her ingrown hair or bump it meant to hurt..I don't want to tweeze cos I'm trying but I ain't diggin..Ive seen a home remedy video too on how to make a paste..can anyone relate to any of the above or know any diy's that I may try or something please..
  2. Didn’t I tell you to leave it alone in the last thread? Smh.
  3. Yes, they hurt.
    When you find them - you can actually find that a very long hair has been growing for a's a fucked up example. I had a spot/bump that kept coming back kind of about an inch beneath and to the right of the adams apple, and getting irritated every time I shaved.
    Put up with it for about a year...then something I thought was a blackhead appeared, squeezed, and like a "loop" of hair came out...I started pulling it with tweezers. It was quite fine compared to other hair in the area, but seemed strong enough. so I kept pulling. Like an inch and a half came was kind of wrapped around itself...after that, it seemed a bit more anchored - I tried to pull it, and it kind of slowly started moving...and, I actually FELT the thing getting slowly dragged out...and it seems it had grown inside all the way to the top of my shoulder...only what, 4-5 inches more I suppose...but it felt so weird that I was pulling this fucker through my body.
    Thing is, they can get infected and your body can like make things like cyst type deals. Red. PAINFUL at/around the area, you can block pores etc with them that can lead to further swelling and infection.

    Hit up a doctor...or, follow the paste thing, I think I know what you're talking about and it seems to have worked for some. Or, you can buy like tools. Super fine hook/needle type things that look a bit like that dentists gum-spiker tool but finer/smaller. You kind of prick it in under the skin around the area, then turn it around a usually brings out at least some of the hair with it, or sometimes it's actually grabbed it properly and you can like twirl the thing until it kind of winds it all out. Failing that, you could always self-surgery it with a small scalpel if so inclined...did that with a tailbone cyst once...that was fun...
    Though yeah usually once you actually break the skin and expose the hair/give it a path to the outside world, it will largely resolve itself and/or become easier to remove.
  4. reading it is abit too much to see me do that plus..i can barely see below with pop belly so..yeah..i will stick to the not in a hurry..Thanks anyways..
  5. sh**..i aint heard anything from i barely did anything & its gone down anyways..gotta do something anytime soon before it happens again maybe..
  6. You must, remove the vagina unfortunately. I'm a collector if you want to sent it my way.
  8. LOL I was speaking literally...but stupidly. I don't advise removal of the vagina, that would be no good at all.

    I would not request any such pictures - I mean sure, I'll check out the bump outta interest, but I don't need to be seeing your pussy.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I had an ingrown hair on my right nut -- well, the ball sack anyway -- which was quite painful. I read up on webMD on how to treat it... they said to lance the affected area and gently withdraw/excise the hair.

    Ha! Good luck with that procedure! I tried for hours before I could force my hand to actually lance the affected area. I was perfectly willing to do what needed to be done, but my body really, truly, intervened, stopping me in mid stab. Evidently it knew what was going on and adamantly refused to let me do it. Eventually I managed to lance the affected area by placing the lancet over the affected site and pushing instead of stabbing. It was actually slower and probably more painful that way, but there's some things your body just won't allow, and stabbing yourself i the privates seems to be one of them.

    Go figure. :confused_2:
  10. You shoulda had a hot shower, loosened up, stretched your ballsack over a flat surface so that the effected area was on the side of it, stretched/pressed it taut against the surface and just tapped the thing through it. You'd wanna hope not to expose the testicle though. I don't know what that's like but I've always thought if air somehow hit it, it would just be this fucked up bundle of nerves and destroy you.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. cool..i was thinking when i read your message that i take pick of bump but cover as in remove
  12. yea..i left it alone since this thread and its gone seems as if you know alot about ingrowns & would like to ask if i should find the hair now using a tweezer or needle or should i keep waiting it kinda went dark by the tan i thinking about waxing the area..
  13. Man, I had one of those in more or less the same spot. I picked at it with some tweezers and eventually got the hair out because I'm a maniac, but I now have what looks like an acne scar :(
  14. good to know..Thankz..
  15. Tweeze it out when the swelling goes down, that’s the best way so you don’t get infections. Don’t forget to sanitize the tweezers and clean up the blood and pus that may come out. Ur gonna be okay. ;)

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