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Informative Speech : Medical Marijuana. Help me out, please?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by its BustANut, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Waddup all. So in my Public Speaking class, we had to choose a topic for an informative speech, and I chose Medical Marijuana. Didn't choose full legalization of marijuana because I wanted to inform strictly about it's medical background throughout history and leading up to today. I've started an outline on it, but am not really confident in it. I was hoping maybe some GC members and medical users help me out. :wave:

    I chose to outline it chronologically. I'm still unsure about how to introduce the topic, so I'm missing an introduction...but I thought I would first talk about how it was first used in the ancient times, beginning with Egypt. Then talk about its medical use in the 1600-1900. Then talk about it from the 20th century till present day. In each paragraph I talk about its medical uses and news about it during that time frame.

    What I was wondering is what points would you guys SPECIFICALLY want to hear in a speech informing about medical marijuana?
    Also, I have a lot of facts, but am not too good about creating my own sentences within the speech. Almost all facts, any tips?

    Any and all help is appreciated.:hello:
  2. Personally, I would want to hear an unbiased informative speech as much as possible. Off the top of my head, I'd want to hear a pro-vs-con list in the introduction or conclusion. Otherwise it would seem that the presenter has a bias for cannabis by not listing the negative effects of marijuana, despite how few they are.
  3. Lol...I've got to do an informative speech in my public speaking class too
  4. See my sig?

    Everything you want is contained in the first link! Ancient shamanic use, 1800s studies, the 1937 AMA stance on cannabis.....the whole shebang! Just scroll down to "History" :D

    Granny :wave:
  5. im writing a proposal on medical marijuana distribution in new jersey for my sci an tech writing class, should be startin this weekend, already got alot of research done, ill post up my midterm paper when im done, definetly interested in what my fellow blades think.
  6. I'm giving a speech about Medical Marijuana in my public speaking class in about an hour
    Sorry to bump the old thread, I used the search function

    Hopefully I don't mess up :smoke:
  7. :confused: The links and info are still valid. :cool: :smoke:
  8. Well damn, I'm glad you did bump it, cause I have a speech to do on HB 207 on thursday. It's Alabama's medical marijuana bill. And I got lucky and found a article in the news paper sunday that says that weed doesn't stop cancer cells from spreading, but kills the cells. Most of my info may come from "The Union" though. And what are cons of smoking weed besides failing a drug test?
  9. Good question. One of the posters here has brought up a valid point that folks with Long QT syndrome can potentially die from cannabis smoking. But they can also die from drinking iced tea, getting mildly upset and playing kickball so I don't know what that says other than "Improve diagnosis and treatment of Long QT syndrome, so sufferers don't have to die suddenly during normal human activities"

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