Info on growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by KIdRetrobution, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. I'm looking to buy some seed on Herbies from good recommendation, anyone have any advice on how many seeds i'd need to buy and any advice on buying them ?
  2. Why should we tell you how many seeds to buy?

    That's your choice ...

    1 seed = 1 plant

    How many plants do you need?
  3. Think they come in packs of 3,5,10...start with one seed @ a time, that way if u fuk up you've still got 2 seeds to get it right.
  4. I use herbies pick n mix single seed website you can get one of each for a cheap variety mix

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. 1 maybe too it's for personal(stress) use lol but I'd just like to what should I have for one. Plant
  6. T
  7. Your space will depend on how many you can grow @ one time. So if you have a small space, one might be enough.
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  8. would anyone know if its legit to by with your card or probably better off buying with a loadable gas station one right?

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