Influenza & Marijuana: A Case Study

Discussion in 'General' started by Stringer, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Hey all,

    So I have a pretty strong immune system and rarely get sick. However, I just got back from vacation and my immune system was weakened big time and I got the flu almost as soon as I got back.

    -Body aches (particularly lower back)
    -Fatigued (tough to get energy to get out of bed)
    -Runny Nose/Congested (disgusting amount of flem being produced by my body)

    I also have a minor headache (barely noticeable) and a bit of a sore throat (again, barely noticeable).

    I have tried to research the topic of marijuana & influenza but there wasn't much of value. Some people thinks it helps, some people thinks it hurts. I'm going to find out how it works in my case.

    I'll be taking bong hits of properly dried/cured marijuana. I will post updates as to how I'm feeling.

    Feel free to share any of your experiences/knowledge about smoking marijuana while sick with influenza.
  2. I usually try to stick to eating it when im sick..

    but we all know how hard it is to resist a little toke now and then
  3. I can't say I've ever, ever read anything even suggesting cannabis can be used to treat a viral infection. Smoking while sick is also not a very good idea, your respiratory system is already clogged with mucus and you're just going to make it make even more mucus because of the smoke. Smoke doesn't help sore throats either. You might feel better, but only because you're high :p Probably more of a placebo effect if anything.

    What are you expecting to have happen?
  4. I do not think Marijuana can be used to cure influenza symptoms, and generally when I'm sick and my throat is sore I gravitate towards edibles or vaporizers. Bongs, bowls, and steamrollers tend to intensify a sore throat, but thats just my experiences.

    I hope you feel better :cool:
  5. If you smoke it MJ will only hurt not help in the long run, wears down your immunity system. So you'll never really get 100% until you stop and give your body a break. Eating it though, I see no problems.
  6. First of all, I'm not expecting marijuana to "cure" anything. Influenza can't be cured by antibiotics, it just takes time.

    I'm expecting the marijuana to help with my body aches. Hopefully it will help me sleep as well. Obviously the mucus situation could be bad, we'll see. Also, I imagine it will make the time I am sick more tolerable.

    I wouldn't try this if my throat was any sorer than it is, but it is barely sore.
  7. Took my first hit. Small dosage.

    Feeling a bit mind-stoned. Good feeling in the back of my neck. Can't really notice body aches anymore.

    Lungs are still fine. Actually breathing well since I opened the door to get some fresh air.

    Will probably have to wait awhile to notice mucus-buildup but I'm expecting the worst.
  8. you should get that mucinex stuff, i used it once when i was sick it gets rid of all your mucus. and then you wont have to worry bout the smoke messing up your throat even more.
  9. You are better of stopping until you recover. Smoking more will only prolong your sickness, and this is so.
  10. i smoked all week despite bronchitis [while taking antibiotics] and i've stopped coughing... but my nose is running and i'm sneezing again, wtf

  11. Yea, that's your immune system asking for mercy.
  12. Nowadays when i feel any sickness symptoms crawling up on me (flu, stomach, but not usually implemented for sore throat), i either go puke (cause i'm afraid of stomach virus's and they happen more often than anything else) then take some tylenol and smoke dank, or simply just take some tylenol and smoke dank...and then i turn out fine. If not fine, i still happen to bypass all the really bad parts of a typical sickness schedule. Maybe iv'e just been getting lucky, or maybe not.
  13. i've actually ran some of my own test aswell, im going on being sick for 2weeks now..

    I got sick valentines in las vegas, came home.. felt better by that friday, but the next day.. i was sicker then before, I worked the whole week aswell..

    My temp has been around 103.2 every night, but as soon as i smoke.. a tiny bit.. not enough to make me cough, just enough to make the bong seem to have a haze..

    I took several little hits, and it brang my temp down, I checked it befoe I smoked.. and a few times after i smoked.. and it seem to of dropped my temp.. to 101.2

    it also allowed me to eat, for the first time in 2 weeks almost. and I never puked it up.

    So in my case.. it's help a little bit on certain symptoms but when I say small hits
    I mean 1 bowl lasted all week.

    I've been working the whole time I've been sick, and the meds the doc gave me, I had an elergic reaction.

    So.. trainwreck, and purple kush are my meds..
  14. Im currently home for lunch.. so lets try this ill take my temp now..
    99.5 is my current temp. 1:16PM

    i will load a bowl now.. of some purple kush
  15. Smoking more, high has pretty much worn out. No bad effects really that I noticed and it really helped my appetite.
  16. 1:27 - 98.8
  17. I'm pretty sure marijuana helps congestion instead of making it worse.
  18. my nose is all cleared up now aswell.

  19. Youre talking out of your ass

    bud has a chemical in it called CBD which in some forms is also found in breast milk for boosting the immune system

    you ever seen a rasta have to blow his nose? I didnt think so...

  20. LOL...ah man, that got me.

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