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Infinate universe

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by weedski, May 25, 2009.

  1. I'm sure you are all aware of this, but if the universe is infinate, it would be absolutly undeniable that every possible senario would take place somewhere in the universe. Therefore, there would be an infinate number of galaxies absolutly identical to ours, each with people, absolutly identical to us. I don't just mean looking the same, I mean YOU. There would be an infinate number of people, exactly like you. They would all carry out slightly different choices and senarios that are possible according to the fundimental laws of physics. If the universe is NOT infinate (which would be a lot easier to understand), this would not be the case, but what would be at the edge of the universe for for something to exist, it must be contained within something else.

    Isn't that a weird thought? That is is very likley that there are literally trillions of people just like you, each making slightly different choices.

    Think and discuss :)
  2. or there could just be a bunch of asteroids and planets flying around with no life on them
  3. it is not because it is inifinite, its because its very large. the universe is like a rubber band. matter keeps expanding until its gonna snap, aka big crunch. but i do love this theory, as there are an infinite number of me, doing an infinite amount of things.
  4. #4 sikander, May 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
    Einstein called the Universe "boundlessly finite."

    Think of it like this: you are an ant on the surface of a balloon. The surface area of the balloon is definitely finite but from the ant's perspective there are no bounds: if you keep walking across the surface of the balloon you won't run into any sudden drop-offs or edges, you'll just end up where you started.

    I don't know the mathematics so I can't explain it to you, but word on the street is that the mathematics of general relativity work out so that space doesn't even need to be contained in anything else. So it's like all there is is the surface of the balloon.
  5. But the ballon itself is contined within our atmosphere, even if the ant knows no difference. Likewise surely a finite universe must be within something too.
  6. But because particles can only behave in certain ways, due to the fact of an infinate universe, the exact actions and structures of particles must be repeated an infinate number of times. Therefore an exact replica of you must be out in the universe, in an exact replica of our solar system.
  7. #7 Kush Lord, May 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
    well, a better idea of infinite would mean forever expanding... its not like a set scenerio, so every possibility doesnt need to exist
  8. But because it is expanding it is likley that the same senario would be reapeated again because of the limitations of the way particles behave. The possibility of an exact replica of the earth forming somewhere in the universe would probably be 1 in 10 to the power of several googolplexes, but eventually it would have to happen if the universe really is infinate.
  9. am i the only one who feels strangely comforted by this theory?

    that no matter how bad "I" fuck up there is another "me" that made the right choice :confused: wtf
  10. And another thats fucking up even more than you, so comparitivly your not doing too bad. :p
  11. I believe you are thinking of the Parallel Worlds Theory
  12. Actually, I've just thought that this theory ties in with a theory I heard. I beleive it was called quantum invinibility or something along those lines. Basically the idea is that if you were to put a gun with six bullets in to your head, it would misfire six times. However in the other 'paralell universes' you would have been killed. But because every possibility takes place in the universe you would survive somewhere. (Please though, don't try this one out yourselves) :p
  13. when i think of the infinite universes notion one crazy thought always pops in my head.

    in some universe or dimension out there every girl you've ever had sex with got pregnant in some universe or dimension. hawt damn
  14. Yep, same thing. What I was trying to point out is that if the universe is really infinate, this MUST be taking place. There really must be exact replicas of everything, or parallel universes ass they are often called.
    It's simple laws of probability.
  15. [ame=]YouTube - The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken[/ame]
  16. Infinite universe? So, at once both inside and outside of itself? Now that is cool.

  17. but youre setting limits on the forever expanding...there are no limits, everything doesnt need to necessarily exist because the infinite has no conclusion
  18. But eventually, at some point it will. It doesn't have to be simultaneous either.
  19. #19 sikander, May 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
    Yeah, cause the analogy is obviously meant to be taken that far. :rolleyes:

    Like I mentioned in the very sentence you quoted, the prevailing theory does not require any such substrate. I don't understand it because I don't understand GR but evidently that's how it works.

    And if you think about it, it's just as well that it works out that way, because if this Universe had to be within something else, couldn't you also ask: what's that something else in, then? And just keep recursing ad nauseam? At some point there has to be something that is self-contained and doesn't need to be embedded in anything else, and I see no reason why it couldn't be spacetime.

    And anyways, this is pointless. It's a result of one of the most-celebrated scientific theories of all time developed by one of the finest mathematical minds of the last century. I'll take Einstein's word over some dude on the Internet, no offense intended. :)
  20. Haha none taken ;-) Like most theorys of thie universe it's quite hard to get your head round. I think I misinterpreted your post, but Einstein has been proven wrong by modern scientists in a variety of his theories, some of whom, no doubt use the internet. (Not saying one was me by any chance!) ;-)

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