hey, i wanted to go for the organic "hippie" version of growing, you know...outside in a quiet area. Ive been growing in my neighbors old barn for abouta week now and i think hes wise so i have to move them. I only have to move one of them, a plant i rescued yesterday because its larger than the others and more obvious. Ok thats the story and now the question, Im going to put the plant in a 5 gal white bucket in my closet with a (MH) light and a small fan, what wattage should i use for a plant that already has about 6 leaves and what light/dark ratio should i use? How do i keep the smell down and keep the plant stunted if its already grown up some and i cant pull off the top? basically tell me what to use and how to do this...newbie indoor grower.
18hours light, 6 dark for vegging. for only one plant, you can probably get by with 200 or so watts. for smell, use a Vortex to pull exhaust through a carbon filter.
right on thanks man what about a 250 WATT Retro-White High Pressure Sodium Bulb? better? worse? shit for 45 bucks it had better be decent.
ended up getting an 80 watt grow light from home depot, my buddy who works there said it would be enough, did i just waste $?
Does that mean you are leaving other plants in your neighbor's barn? Uncool to grow in someone else's home...or barn.
the HPS (high pressure sodium) would be a good light for flowering but if the plant is bout a foot tall or 3 feet in a good closet then use that but for vegging to make it that big you have to use the metal hallide light and how good do u know your NUTES like some watering ferts wut do u have the NPK number
yea you should get the other plant man besides if there in ur house then u can keep a closer eye on them but be care full not to over do them with water and nutes can u post a pic of the closet or or spot and lights and i can explain how to set up some fans n shit if ya want
i would take pics, but i dont know how to post them up. I can tell ya that i have too many plants for an indoor grow with the amount of light i can give them now. So im taking the larger, stronger plants after they establish themselves in a flower cup and putting 2-3 in a large pot. I know this will stunt them, but i dont want a 20 foot tall plant in my closet. Also, what is the best way to make a plant bush out?
dude you need to press the search button and that light is horrible get a 400 watt HPS and stop wasting time www.insidesun.com and heres a good place cheap carbon filters and vortex blowers www.mdyhdro.com and for hieght put LST in the search engine