I need help alittle im growing from seed and im using a led 35 watt will my plants survive with it for a week im waiting on my 1000watt led to come in im not hitiing veg yet its been about almost 2weeks from seed.. im using feri lome for soil. What else do i need to be more useful.
If you are in Nebraska..Law enforcement sounds very tough..would be ok for a few days under the 35w for veg ONLY..be careful.. Nebraska Possession of Marijuana Charges and Penalties - Omaha Criminal Defense Lawyer | Petersen Criminal Defense
I live in colorado i dont know why my thing says nebraska but i do i hald to add any nutrients to my organic soil
But like i said what do i need to prepare for after veg what does my setup need to look like im sorry this is to much im a beginner right now
In general Tin foil sux at reflecting usable light! It does reflect heat though and may burn your plants..Mylar survival blankets are cheap and work fine! I got 10 pcs of smaller ones at Amazon for about $10usd total www.amazon.com/Emergency-Reflective-Conserves-Lightweight-Waterproof/dp/B01GOL67YG/ref=pd_sim_468_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=X264P52N8VAK975N97K0
Its never to early to reflect the light, however, you really should invest in reflective mylar. Tin foil tends to create "hot spots" by reflecting AND focusing the light which could and probably will end up burning your plants.
if you mean this one..Loooks fine..I do not see anything about it containing time release stuff Ultimate Potting Mix