Funny ad I have come across. Well maybe not so funny, but look yourself: Indoor Vegtable Garden Grow Light System (Yeah-Right) Reply to: [?] Date: 2009-02-12, 6:28PM EST I have a renter who just got told on and is in trouble for growing Herbs in the house. There was a dispute over money, and one told on the other. Unit made it 3weeks from brand new, and still looks brand new. I got stuck with them mess! I hace a climate controlled indoor Grow system They paid over 11K for. Whats included: I will break up system! 16 High Density Lights 17 Light Converter Boxes 1 still on the pallet Climate Contoller Air Handler This is bought and paid for once so where you go and what you do is not followed up on! Your name is not needed, nor wanted. What you will need: Plumbing (for Air Handler) Electrician (Wire In) Duct (each light has a contineous tempature air flow) Attorney (for any farming partners you might have) Call for Questions reguarding Grow System, I'm not intrested in Re-Renting property nor Setting this up for you. Johnny 305.219.0879 >br> Location: Yeah-Right it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: xxxxxxxxx