hey guys, new to the site but thought i would share my experience as i will be growing a couple of my very first plants I am open to any sudjestions, positive or not idc, any information is helpful ! I will be growing in a box aproximately 1.5 - 2 square feet and about 3-4 feet tall Seeds : i ordered 2 afghan kush ryder seeds off of marijuana seeds canada as i am canadian and a lil patriotic they should be arriving either this week or next Lights : i have 2 40 WATT bulbs, and 2 23 WATT bulbs wired into a parallel circuit to only use one outlet (wired them myself, hope i dont burn anything down ) Fertilizer : i am very tight on money right now having spent all of it on prep for this grow but i have some fert for the start of the grow, it has a 10-52-10 mix but because of the lack of money it will be the only fertilizer i will use for this grow Soil : i will be using a mix of potting soil and peat moss, they will be put into plastic cups for a few weeks then transplanted into larger pots for veg and flowering Germination : i am gunna need some help with this one, i have these fiber pallets i got from home hardware but i am not sure wheather to use those or to use the good old paper towel method Ventilation : i will hopefully get a computer fan from my friend as a way to get airflow into the box, i will have a much higher powered fan attached to a homemade carbon filter as a way to get airflow out of the box please help with the germination and any other tips are more than welcomed ! i will upload pics if anyone would like to follow my grow
thanks, i know how to do the paper towel germ but i was wondering about the fiber pallets heres a link, check em out Home Hardware - PELLETS, FIBER GROW 20PK