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Indica + Sativa?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Magic_Man, May 28, 2009.

  1. How can you tell the difference?
  2. Indicas tend to have shorter, fatter buds. The high is more of the stoney/couchlike kind. The plants are shorter and bushier.

    Sativas tend to have longer, thinner buds. The high is more heady and active. The plants are tall and not as branchy.

    That's just a general description though. There are lots of gray areas in between, especially since so many strains are a mix of the two.
  3. OSG has spoken. :smoking: :bongin:

  4. You could try using the search button, you'd find everything you need to know to tell them apart.
  5. The Search button! Why didnt i think of that?!


    Anyway yeah cheers OSG, i was just wondering since the bud i have at the moment makes me pretty sleepy.
  6. In terms of smoking them sativa tends to give more of a "head" high, increased concentration levels and more of buzz, whereas indica gives a more "body" high, and makes you relaxed,sleepy, and melllow :)
  7. Ya, indicas are more couchlock. but, there's 100 percent indicas that don't really have that much couchlock. there's lots of gray. lots of insane racy sativas and sativas that are more chill.

    I worship this guy. check out his buds and descriptions.

    Flickr: BodhiSativa Photography's Photostream

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