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Indiana Purp!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by jham, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Sorry about massive pics, I dont upload them much...taken from my iphone 4....Yet to smoke just got it so no review yet.
  2. ...... dont see anything
  3. either scroll to the right or just look at the 2nd post...
  4. I dont see anything.
  5. I can't scroll to the right and your second post is blank. WTF man???
  6. you never posted the picture. [​IMG]
  7. sorry guys that shit is sooo dank i just had to pull that nug out through the computer screen.

    shits pretty dank:smoke:
  8. to OP, when embedding a picture with tags, it has to be a direct link to the file.
    For example the link will end in .jpg/.png/.gif/.bmp etc etc. I quoted your post to check and the end of your link isn't a file format

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