Indiana Legalizes Use Of Deadly Force Against Police Who Enter Without A Warrant.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Twistedd, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. #41 jay-bird, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2013
    w/e I don't understand you.

  2. It seems that in a lot of places the cops are starting to feel a little bit too powerful and it is rather scary. I have seen several cases of cops entering homes without a warrant and proceeding to arrest the people inside for trying to evade the police/arrest. This would give them a reason to actually do their jobs by the book instead of getting too much freedom.
    What don't you understand? I have time.
  4. Good luck, Indiana is a no tolerance state, you may shoot the po but that don't mean it'll be worth it.
  5. w/e I don't understand you.

    He means positions of authority naturally attract bullies

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  6. Qft. Good luck proving yourself in court if you shoot a mafio-errrr.cop

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  7. #47 jay-bird, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2013
    What do you mean by this? Maybe this is what you meant.
    "Do you think *society's* buffoons and savages don't seek a pathway to higher authority? Such as police and government? Of course its fucking necessary."
    If what you mean is that savages are policemen and politicans too then okay. And that's why I always say this is the people's fault. Every decision in the end is either an individual or body of individuals. It's their fault. It's also the people under them who are at fault, because they don't assemble and call out the real issues and refuse to withdraw support for realistically legitimate reasons. The dumb people that we breed in society, the same people who lack empathy and are selfish then become officers who think they are justified for their abuses of procedure.
    What I meant was that if people including the citizens and law enforcement weren't stupid and would communicate and cooperate (basically wishing for a utopia, practically) then we wouldn't need such laws. I think the laws and procedure for a lot of this should be changed, anyway. Maybe we should reform all the red tape surrounding court procedure so people would rather deal with this shit from an officer only to soon after testify in court, be proven innocent and have the officer penalized. Rather than gun duel with the offciers.
    By people being savages, I mean the people as well as the officers are straight up retarted and can't efficiently report truth. I just don't think this is a good law, okay? I think we should have the right to kill ANYBODY including an officer in self defense, but I don't think Idiana should have made it a law. Officers wouldn't shoot and kill people anyway (not totally true but definitely less) if they just didn't get flustered, scream, and run or fight back officers. You stay calm and quiet with your hands WAY THE FUCK UP. That's what I was taught from birth. I'm sure some of you were too, it's okay, don't be ashamed. It's just your parents trying to save your life.
    No blood would even have to shed if people knew how to be calm and do what the police want. Granted, doing this may get you wrongfully accused or put in a jail cell. It may be a waste of your time. But officers are people with flaws too and it may save your life.
    The fact that it legalizes to shoot them if they are trespassing without a warrant is reassuring but I still don't like it jeez.
  8. To me it's very simple! If ANYONE is threatening me or my families safety, I'm going to take action!! If it's nonlethal or if it's lethal but of course it'll be the last resort... As far as law enforcement goes, it's no different unless they are justified!! Like a warrant!!


  9. I'd be kinda terrified...
    I 'fit the description'..prolly be shot regardless if they entered without a warrant or not.
  10. A law like this would be perfect to keep LAPD, and NYPD in check. 
  11. No it won't, in LA it will cause drug cartel to shoot the cops on sight, leading to war.
  12. Cops came into my house without a warrant. Shooting them or hurting them did not come across my mind at all, yall crazy! I dont think I could shoot anyone that was breaking into my house unless they were coming at me trying to attack. Life is valuable...
  13. Which is why your first instinct should be to reach for a gun. The way I see it, ANYONE looking to get inside of my house without my permission, while we are home, has one intent in mind, to cause harm to me and/or my family. As the man of the house, it is my responsibility to see to their safety, therefore, the intruder is going to be shot. before they have the chance to cause said harm.
  14. I was drunk as fuck and shouldnt of even touched a gun(which I didnt). But either way I just dont think you should shoot someone who is just coming into your house(police or not). Im not saying you shouldnt have the right too, just that I wouldnt do it unless I was defending my life. Plus the situation worked itself out, I didnt kill anyone and I had the local police department by the balls.
  15. #55 aPersonUponaHill, Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
    Yes, it is appropriate because despite what some of you may think abuse of power is a major problem.
    It is your right as a citizen to not only protect yourself, but defend the rights you clearly have and have always had under the Constitution. If that is not done on a legal basis, then it is up to the citizens being denied those right to secure those rights by whatever means possible, especially with deadly force. There is only one thing more important than liberty in our nation and even then it is easy to see the role that liberty plays in each life. There mere fact that you can choose when you live and have some say in your death is liberty. 
    My basis for this argument comes from the actions of civil rights groups of the 20th century in the American South who held secret meetings in which they plotted equality and were forced to have armed lookouts and each be armed themselves, with firearms. Forced to do this of course once their equal protect under the law never materialized and more relevantly, because of brutal and violent tactics to ensure white societal dominance, which very much includes political. And political power is everything in western society, everything, it is equality racially, religiously, gender-wise, and it is economic equality in a sense.
  16. Does the fact that this debate is even taking place not make you guys (my American fellow blades) not wonder what kind of a country you would have today if there were no guns readily available to both citizens and cops ?
    Where i live the only cops with guns are the equivalent of what you call SWAT. 99% of cops do not have guns and while i have an inbred dislike for cops i do not fear them.
    I voted yes to the poll because i understand the circumstances that you guys have to live in (police state) and the bullshit you have to put up with. 
  17. I fucking love this. I cant wait to hear about the first fat fuck that gets a bullet to the dome.
  18. #58 jay-bird, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
    Good kids, stay good tonight.
    Don't play yourself the only bullshit me and 95% of the people I know deal with is scumbags in the streets and in positions of power, complicated bureacratic and legislative processes, and an economy that is just as unfavorable. Adverse.
    EDIT* Still disappointed only me and founding father voted no after all this time.
  19. if you ever shoot anyone in the back you're a dick. If you have a gun and you're behind someone, you're not in danger. You could easily tell them to leave with a gun pointed at them. Just saying. Every living thing only has one shot at life, and ending someone else's shouldn't be done unless it's for your own survival.
  20. #60 yurigadaisukida, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
    if you ever shoot anyone in the back you're a dick. If you have a gun and you're behind someone, you're not in danger. You could easily tell them to leave with a gun pointed at them. Just saying. Every living thing only has one shot at life, and ending someone else's shouldn't be done unless it's for your own survival.
    </blockquote>Shooting someone in the back a dick.

    Tjere i no honor in a life and death fight. Thays silly

    I agree though killing is a last resort

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