Indiana Legality Satus

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Bobias, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Indiana, most known for having some of the harshest marijuana laws in the entire nation is considering a bill that would look into decriminalization and legalizing medical marijuana for the state. Indiana is one of the most conservative states in the US so just getting the Indiana senate to even look at this bill is a HUGE step in the right direction. I have provided a link to the article below, and would highly advise any Hoosier resident to write to their local state representative about this bill. Please encourage the state senators to take a serious look at this bill instead of just brushing it aside like Indiana is known to do.

    State senator: Should Indiana legalize marijuana? - Health -
  2. I think he's telling you without telling you that this is more appropriate in the Medical Marijuana forum.
  3. The bill doesn't just address medical marijuana. It addresses decriminalization too. And besides, I don't want the thread tucked away in one of the other forums either. I want it were it can get the most publicity and raise the awareness about the current situation.
  4. #7 DeletedMember4723, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    I wrote a letter to my Senator in favor of legalizing Marijuana in Indiana. You may copy and paste any part of this into your own letter to your senator.

    To find out who your senator is, go here:

    County Map with Senate Districts

    State Senate District Lookup

    Just got this autoresponse back:

  5. i sent an email yesterday, maybe they will concider changing the laws in the next couple years.. I mean Indiana is the only state where you can't buy alcohol on sunday, maybe someday i'll be able to buy weed from a dispensery (closed on sundays of course) :smoke:
  6. You can't buy alcohol in Kentucky on Sundays either.
  7. Nice letter that you wrote him I wish something like this happened in Jersey

  8. eh?

    jersey is getting medi bud

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