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incredibowl m420?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by whatswrongwithu, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. is it worth like 80$ to get the incredibowl m420? i want a smoking tool that is small and fits in my pocket and i want to be able to take a hit real quick and put it away in public. should i get the incredibowl or just like a 20$ pipe
  2. #2 BakedLays, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
    Just get a pipe.
    It's small easy and portable.

    But I'd you want something good, get the i420
  3. Incredibowl over 20$ pipe. Wellll worth it. IMO.
  4. Money making scheme. Don't waste your money.
  5. I'd try it I'd I had an extra 100 laying around. Looks durable haha.
  6. That thing looks like a tank! Go for it, i bet it would be better than a bowl
  7. #7 Ghostman42, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
    I don't understand the comment above that said don't buy it it's a scheme I have the m420 and i420 and they are well worth the money best dry price I ever had or used. And there both almost completely indestructible incredibowl industry did a good job on inventing something that gives you so much pull with little effort any one who tries it will be amazed and want one there self. The people that say bad things about is because they never tried it or can't handle the humongous hits it gives. If you want something that's going to last forever the i420 is the best option for you and it has a lifetime warranty if you break any part other than the glass bowl all you got to do is send them a clear picture of the break or whatevers wrong and they send you brand new one for 8 dollars for shipping and handling so technically you will have it for the rest of your life you will always get new parts if they break. They really did a good job on both versions but if you need something portable try the m420 thRu will be the best selection it fits in your pocket or anywhere you need and it tips just like the i420 just in smaller version.

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