Incredibowl m420 vs MFLB?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Mase85, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. I'm a fairly new smoker (about two months, smoking casually). Right now my only piece is a glass pipe (spoon). I'm starting to worry about the negative health effects of inhaling burning smoke (I'm a runner).

    I've been lurking on these forums for a while, and have started to consider buying a new piece that might be less harsh. Two that seem to get generally good reviews are the incredibowl and the MFLB.

    Getting a quality bong is out of the question; even though I live on my own, I'd like a piece that is small enough to be hidden out of sight easily.

    Does anyone have experience and opinions on both of these products?

    Thanks for your time, and stay safe!
  2. your compareing a vape and a combustion pipe......there un-compareable imho. i have both and if you prefer smoking over vaping get m420 but if you like vaping and enjoy the benifiets from it get the mflb. Its super stealthy and gets the job done for sure.
  3. Whats your budget? The Purple Days vaporizer is really damn stealthy, and beautiful too with it's wood outter. Not to mention it will perform better than the MFLB and be way more efficient as well, making your bud last much longer.
  4. Caveman: I know it's kinda like comparing apples and oranges, but I've heard people claim the incredibowl hits as smooth as a vape. I've never used a vape before, and don't have any friends that smoke (that I know of, anyway :rolleyes:), so I don't know which I'd prefer.

    Zehn: I'd like to keep it around $100. Why do you believe that the Purple Days is more efficient than the MFLB?

    Thank you both for your answers!
  5. Purple Days has a really good reputation for being extremely reliable, also it's not battery operated.
    However, PDs are $180 and take MONTHS before it even arrives at your door.

    I would go towards the vaporizer, like I said in my PM.
    I feel if you already have a pipe, and it's glass, that's a 1up on the incredibowl already, and I own an incredibowl.

    Vaporizers are always great, can't go wrong.

    MFLB is your best choice if you want to keep it at 100, it will last you a super long time, very easy to conceal, doesn't need to really be cleaned, just need to keep the battery charged and what not.
  6. The Purple Days vape is known for its wild efficiency. The bowl is just big enough to hold about .025g of dry, vapable weed. Since you're a new smoker, I'm guessing your tolerance is pretty low so this thing will be great for you. I wouldn't be surprised if just one bowl was all you needed whenever you felt like being high. It provides somewhere between about 5-8 decent hits, depending on your bud.

    I'm also an athlete (cross-country skier) and from our standpoint it really is a benefit because you're using as little material as possible which means the threat of lung damage is minimized because there's just physically less weed being vaporized meaning less of the bad stuff and a higher concentration of the good stuff :smoking:

    If you can save up the extra $80-$100, you'll probably never have to buy anything again and I"m sure that you'll be 100% satisfied with it (most users are... just ask lwien I know he loves his as much as I love mine).
  7. Not necessarily. When VapeNow has them in stock I'm pretty sure they ship right away? Maybe not I'm not too sure.

    Granted, they're aren't in stock now so yeah it could be a bit of a wait but it is WELL worth it, believe me.

    I waited about 3-4 weeks for mine, but I got it a long time ago when the couple that actually make these things were still handling the business transactions.
  8. Man i honestly own both of them and i even gave my m420 to my buddy because the magic flight launch box is so awesome.. I live with my rents so stealth is a main priority and i can easily vape in my room without my rents even knowing.. I'm about to buy the extreme q vaporizer though so i'm getting a smoke buddy to help conceal the smell.. You will love the launch box and i think its what your looking for bro

  9. How smooth the hit is doesn't really relate to how bad the smoke is for you. You are still burning the weed with the incredibowl. If you enjoy smoking, I'd get the incredible. I'd try out some form of vape before buying the MFLB before you buy it. I own and use a few different glass pieces and the MFLB, and I think that they provide slightly different highs.
    If you don't smoke too often, I wouldn't worry about smoking affecting your running. I smoked fairly often while rowing and it didn't affect my performance. That being said, using the MFLB to smoke will allow you to avoid any possible negative repercussions from smoking.

  10. VapeNow doesn't handle PDs sales anymore, PD does once again!
    and PD says 4 weeks again, but from what I've heard it'd been like 6 weeks minimum. Still, could be very worth it just depends if he wants to wait 6 weeks and spend more money.

  11. Exactly
  12. Thanks for all your help guys. I think I'm going to place an order for the MFLB today. It's cheap enough (relatively) that I don't mind giving it a try. I'm sure if I hate it I can find someone who wants it and recoup some of my money.

    The Purple Days looks nice, but the fact that it takes 30-45 minutes to heat up is a bit of a turn off. If I really enjoy vaping, that may be another purchase down the road.

    Thanks again for the replies. I'll add my review off the MFLB when I get it in a couple of days.
  13. You definitely made a good decision on going with the launch box.. I gave my m420 to my buddy because i love my launch box and i wasn't using my incredibowl and he needed something to conserve bud so i lended it to him
  14. you will love your launch box i know i do but im out of fresh herb smoking some avb till tom
  15. #15 chronic209, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    I've only had experience with the MFLB. But from what I understand, The incredibowl is still just a combustion pipe. So... wouldn't it have the same negative effects as a spoon would? Maybe a little less heat but that's about it. But I definitely recommend the MFLB. Conserves weed and saves a ton of money. I recently wrote a full review on the MFLB if you're still considering purchasing one. Check out my threads if you're interested. I tried to answer all the questions that I could not find answers to prior to purchasing one myself.

    Edit: Oh shit.. seems the other people on here have already convinced you to go with The MFLB
  16. #16 zehn, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Yeah that is a the only downside but honestly it only uses 8 watts so I tend to just leave it on all the time. If you're creative you could even use a timer to have it turn on before you plan to use it. Just an idea
  17. lol thats a waste of time when you can have a vape that heats up in 5 seconds compared to 30 to 45 mins lol
  18. Well guys and gals, I received my shipment notification today; my MFLB is on the way and will be here by Thursday. I'll make sure to post a review on Thursday night or Friday. Thanks again to everyone who posted!
  19. Hahahahaha you don't even know....
  20. id go with the mflb bro,

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