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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ods, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. #1 ods, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    haha, i have some super dank right now. :rolleyes:






    it honestly smells like a skunk ate a pineapple. it's insane. smelling up my whole house.
  2. Hell yea smoke that up.
  3. of course homie. [ame=]YouTube - TORO and LEAR plus LW Disc Slide[/ame]
  4. daaaank.
    smoke thy bud.
  5. Damn man, with the new LEAR and dank buds I bet you're having a helluva day! Can't wait to pick up a gram later and finish a week long t-break the right way.
  6. dude having the best day hahaha.
  7. bumps.
  8. Yeah man i love it when my dude comes up with new bud and it is godly. Lately my dudes been getting me this kush that just takes you above the high stage lol.
  9. this is some insano dank. the smell alone when i opened the bag was like woahhh.
  10. your title is very misleading. it talks about dank but i can't seem to find any :p
  11. reallyyyyy, see this shit is like way too bomb. this is the super heady i'm talking about. it smells too insane.

    haha but no, it's dirty schwag. honestly, i might just throw it out.

  12. I thought you had some standards on the bud you smoke but I guess you will just smoke any ole schwagg you find.

    On a side not I"m thinking of flying out to CA for cochellas or whatever the fuck it is. What's your game plan for the event?
  13. fucking coachella. dropping mad acid and tripping around getting into trouble and shenanigans. where are you staying? afterparty at yawbus's?
  14. nice buds dude, im digging ur post ods

  15. hahahaha...........I'm in FL so if I fly out there I"m crashing with you but I'm really considering it depending on if I have people to hang out with there or not. PM me ODS if your going.
  16. Very nice dude, looks like some primo outdoor to me. :D

  17. yea so i refuse to pay $275 for an event. even if Moses was performing live on the arc i think i would pass for that amount of $$$ just out of principal.

    $275 = ticket

    $500 = drugs, booze, fun

    $100 = food

    $400+ = plane ride

    honestly if it wasn't for the ticket I would probably be there but i just won't spend that much $$$$$. MOE = Money over everything including concerts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. nice lookin buds
  19. yeah dude see i don't drink when i go, because i'm on so many drugs.

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