This is an amazing video i just came across and figured i'd post it up...i've never done anything like this before but it looks absolutely insane. I recommend getting nice and baked and watching this video [ame=]YouTube - Jeb Corliss wing-suit demo[/ame]
Holy. Fucking. Tits. I just went skydivng on sunday and I want to do it again. And again. But it's soooo expensive to get certified.
Yea this guy is crazyyy, he actually wants to be the first person to successfully land without a parachute and hes got this wild idea on how to do it...i know its been in the works for years now but who knows if he'll ever get the chance to attempt it or even get the money to build the structure he wants to build...heres an article about it if anyones interested...
I can't believe this guy! Holy shit...this video is insane... Is this really real? They must have surveyed that course so painstakingly to ensure that he will have enough clearance to get past the tricky points. He comes so close to trees and ridges at some points, I wonder if it makes him nervous at all? Even with the most precise and accurate surveying, wind is still a variable, as is the point when you jump out of the plane. Either way, if I had to do this I'd probably piss my pants. This guy has serious cojones.
you gotta watch the parachute skiers, they rock down mountains like that but ski some parts its dope haha
haha yea ive seen this before, also a few otehrs like it. ive always wanted to try this. ive skydived a bunch of times, but dont have my cert. even then it would take years or experience to do that. man his arms must get tired sick tho, i would do it in a heartbeat..