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Incredible edible erb' Tincture

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by nuggynug, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Hello Grasscity,
    This is my first recipe post on Grasscity, hope you enjoy! :yummy:
    Marijuana tinctures are a economical and healthy way to get high, its cheaper than a good quality vape and safer than smoking joints. :smoke:

    What you'l need;

    5.5g of good weed
    60ml of food grade Glycerin £2.99 here on ebay
    filter to strain mixture through
    crockpot and oven
    a heat resistant bowl to put in the oven and crockpot (i used one like this)
    4/5 hours of time
    some amber tincture bottles to stop light from degrading thc in the glycerin mix found here 10 for £6

    How to make;

    Grind weed and place into ceramic dish, heat in oven at 300 for 8-10 minutes so it can decarb and activate the thc.

    After this pour the 60ml of glycerin into the dish, stir for 5-10 minutes and then heat in crockpot for 3.5 hours.

    Next pour the mixture into your tincture bottles through your filter to remove the plant matter from the mix, you'l fill apx 6 10ml tincture bottles if you use the bottles from the link.

    It takes around 3-4 drops to get you couchlocked :cool: , and each 10ml bottle will hold around 200 drops so its a pretty economical way to get high.

    The tincture should be amber / brown in colour and taste sweet.

    This is my tincture glycerin.JPG

    Its 2:00am here in the UK so I apologize in advance for typo's and spelling mistakes, I am very tired.

    Enjoy your tincture and keep on smokin' :p
  2. Can you use this in maybe say an electronic cig??
  3. I suppose it might work, since its glycerin based. I dont use E-Cigs so I wouldn't be able to advise you on how to fill them up with the mix. If refillable E-Cigs arn't expensive Ill buy one and try it out and post my results up here.

    Thanks or reading my post an keep on smokin' :smoke:
  4. Yea some are quite cheap. I have mine with zero nicotine juice just to play with smoke. It would be nice to get a cool buzz tho. Ill be waiting to hear back with your results!! peace and itskindakronic
  5. look in badkittysmiles thread, stick on top of the forum to make glycerin based e-cig liquid that gets you high ;) she has a table of contents if you click her blog.
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