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increased thc

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thelizardkin, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. One of the biggest arguments against weed is the thc content is higher but how does that make weed more dangerous
  2. It doesn't, that is bullshit propaganda saying that it is more dangerous. Higher THC content means that you have to smoke less to get the same high, which if anything is better for you because you don't have to inhale as much smoke
  3. I know right its not like your going to od
  4. #4 Free The BIRDS, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011

    ass hat on


    real reason why

    higher thc = less of the other cannibinoids (that are very important in your high feeling)

    1 sec ill get a vid


    wouldnt say that thc is 'dangerous'
  5. It depends on how the weed was grown there champ
  6. a comment from youtube...

    i believe it to be correct but take it for what it is...a utube comment

    THC is what gets you high cannabidiol is known to relieve the anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic symptoms we do need more cannabidiol in our weed


    who you calling champ, donkey
  7. I think there is some truth to it cuz hybrids make it easier to grow stronger weed in more places also better growing conditions like lighting ferts ph changers est
  8. isnt hasheesh 100% thc? lol

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