So if i understand that correctly, they are working on making systems that read and translate data from the various speeds and directions of the rotation of atoms, rather than pulses of electrical energy through diodes? If the theory of observation, and the measurement problem are true theories, we could potentially transmit data in a system like this, of any size, almost instantly, unless i just completely missed the point of the article, but who knows.... im not 100% cause im super high and that read wasnt the easiest hahahahaha
Damn some serious technology.. Taking computers to the quantum level THE ROBOT TERMINATOR PROPHECIES ARE TRUE!
Gentlemen, we have our first quantum computing unit. This is a huge step forward in time, congratulations. Let's boot it up. Beep beep DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE Where the hell did that come from?????
Now does this mean we have effectively broken the lightspeed barrier? If information is transfered instantly between two places that are thousands of miles apart then it would be faster then light speed would it not?
Getting high is fun. Reading this while high is more funner But why would the uncertainty principle have anything to do with making atomic properties allow instant communication. Me does not get this connection, friend. Pass the bowl Speed of Light No instant communication through quantum entanglement does not mean we break the speed limit of the universe cuz there are no particles actually travelling the distance between the entangled atom pair, they just are linked through some kind of quantum tunnel that has no dimension.
but it would allow for instant communication, even teleportation (maybe). Particles aren't traveling but information is. Imagine Star Trek only in real life!!!! I am excited for the possibilities of the future!!
it's called "information" and it is not bound by the speed of light. There have been observations of a wave traveling at the speed of light and just in front of it was where the "information" was, as the wave changed shape the information in front of the wave also changed. basically they just changed it from "spooky action at a distance" to "information" that isn't limited by the speed of light because it's not actually made up of anything. lol even saying that makes me chuckle but it really is true. In my mind it's like when we use to call something the "ethos" we knew it was something but we didn't know what or how. On another note, there are already quantum computers out there. There are several ways to make them, this is one of the harder ways (well now much easier). If your interested, the one I posted a while ago was called DWave. The thing is that it is limited in what it can answer because of the way they built it. Basically the easiest of the "easier" ways to make it is to make one that only answers yes or no questions. That's what DWave does but they are already on the third one. They are making them specifically to answer questions for large data sets for universities and the LHC.
I said almost instant haha, being able to transmit a data stream at near light speed, on earth would seem instant haha. And if an atom exists all over a broad spectrum of space without an observer, technically the data being translated by atomic use, without an observer, does as well. I didn't really think it through tho, because there is an observing system in this hahaha, so throw that one out the window hehehehe. Also, the speed of light is not a speed barrier, its just the barrier at which humans can percieve matter as anything beyond it has no light reflection and is invisible to our visual spectrum lol, black holes gravitational pull speed exceeds the speed of light
I heard that it doesnt exceed the speed of light, it just slows time down. Not sure really, just wondering.
Black holes can consume light, and gravity is measured by a speed, on earth its 9.8m/second^2 so if you are falling, you will accelerate at 9.8 meters, ever second, but you are speeding up so it needs an exponential factor (^2). The gravity produced by black holes, has a force that exceeds C(m)/second^2 (C=speed of light) meaning its greater than the speed at which light is traveling. Although gravity isnt really a speed... it is just used to define the speed objects can reach using its force. But light cant escape from a black hole (hence why you cant see them, no light refraction). But we also wouldnt be able to see any object that exceeded we cant really prove they do or dont exist as they are beyond our visibility. And would probably exist as some sort of super condensed energy
Gravity is measured as a FORCE in NEWTONS. -9.81m/s^2 is the ACCELERATION due to gravity on Earth. There's no SPEED involved whatsoever.
Right, its the speed you are accelerating at, but due to earth having air (friction) you reach a terminal velocity. If space, near a black hole, thats not the case, but light is hardly effected by a medium in space anyway. If the gravitational pull of a black hole, can consume lightthat means the pull of it could potentially cause objects of more mass to reach speeds exceeding light, perhaps thats what is causing the massive emission of radiation on heat, matter speeding up and becomming so condensed it explodes into energy as it passes the event horizon The fact you said acceleration due to gravity, still proves my point right, the acceleration of an object entering a black hole, has to be part of an equation that can suck light into it, something with more mass will still achieve the same. Since light isnt accelerating, we can assume it has no increasing force behind it, in order to escape gravity you need to either already be above the speed of the force it has is pulling, or you must have something with a momentous force above that of the speed the force is pulling.... therefore the gravity of a black hole, creates a force that can pull objects faster than light. It makes sense to me lol
Lol on a REALLY random coincidental side now...i just stumbled upon a page that says this... (for those who dont get that, stumbleupon just takes you to a random page when you click a button lol) and pretty much only this "We demonstrate how a five dimensional Godel universe appears as the core of resolved two-charge and three-charge over-rotating BMPV black holes. A smeared generalized supertube acts as a domain wall and removes regions of closed timelike curves by cutting off both the inside and outside solution before causality violations appear, effectively allowing the Godel universe and the over-rotating black hole to solve each other's causality problems. This mechanism suggests a novel form of holography between the compact Godel region and the diverse vacua and excitations of the bound state of a finite number of D0 and D4-branes with fundamental strings. " Stumble just dropped some mad knowledge in the bitch HAHAHAHAH wtf [hep-th/0405019] Over-Rotating Black Holes, Godel Holography and the Hypertube Although i must admit, i do have my stumble set only on physics today, so not AS random, but
Facepalm. You have the right idea, the wording's just a little off. You can't say that an acceleration is a speed. It confuses people. Acceleration is a CHANGE in speed. I agree with this part.
Is gravity a force really measured in newtons? The unit of newtons is the product of mass(kg) times acceleration due to gravity(m/s^2). Just curious if gravity is a force alone or does it only result in a force when it acts on objects?