I think it is healthy at 14. I started smoking whenever I found a few roaches/had some tokes on my Mum's joint in secret, when I was 13, and believe it or not, I did it for medicinal reasons - I had and still have depression, anxiety, stress and chronic pain, among other things. What do you guys think?
for me, there is no age limit on medicinal use. Medicine is medicine and if it can help someone then that person regardless of age should at least have the option to use it. for recreational use i'd say 17-18 is a good age to start.
I personally dont think it matters these days how young you start my friends brother is in 7th grade for god sake and smokin already
My first toke was at 13.. my buddy was 14 and him and his Mom had a pound in their freezer. Up until that point, DARE had a hold on me. He told me he smoked and I was like "OMG BETRAYAL.." but the more I listened the more curious I became. I tried it, and tried it, and tried it, and tried it... and tried... it.... Anyway, I never got in trouble.. and I actually went back home and told my mother straight up that I smoked pot with my friend. She was kind of shocked but respected my honesty, and this sparked a conversation with her that "I tried it too" back in high school and all that, but she did not like it. My Mom was the kind of Mom where she would rather I smoke in the house with friends than out on the street behind her back and getting in trouble. Looking back.. I was a responsible teenager, and I didn't start any trouble. Weed was not a "gateway" drug for me.. still have never done anything other than marijuana. I would say 16 is just about right for a recreational user. Medicinally I would say anywhere between 8-10, maybe younger in some cases (childhood leukemia, cancers, chronic pain) but it should be either vaped or ingested, not smoked.
to be honest i think 18, i think some developing brains don't react well to psychoactive substances, although i started smoking at 15 so maybe that's a little hypocritical but whatever. also i doubt smoking roaches (probably mixed with tobacco) is the most medicinal thing to do.
Well my brothers roaches had a good few tokes in them, and they were clean - they tasted fresh if you know what I mean. At 11 I tried shisha (hubbly bubbly), and I can honestly say, it hurt me, so much, I never tried it again. I was told that was what ciggies were like, and so know I didn't have any toboacco, if any at all.
I recently saw a documentary on cannabis that talked about how scientific studies reveal that it's dangerous developmentally for those under 15. Of course there are always outliers on either end of the spectrum so it's probably best to lean on the side of caution. Other factors come in to play, like an individual's propensity for paranoia and possible preexisting heart conditions. My personal opinion is that it should be an adult decision (i.e. 18+) but, then again, if I were younger than 18, I wouldn't hold myself to that.
It really doesn't matter when you first try it, IMO, as long it's reasonable ... IE, not 3 or 4. If you're talking about regular toking, then depending on the person, no younger than 14. I didn't start 'til 16 and a lot of people were way ahead of me ... but I thought 16 was even a bit young.
If there is any credence to the idea that drug use can affect a developing brain, then I'd say drug use shouldn't start until the individual is physically ready to handle the drug. If it's false, then it should be left up to the individual to decide whether he or she should partake in drug use. Clearly this is entirely subjective. I don't believe an arbitrary age limit should be implemented.
In cases where the individual is under 18, or still living with the parents, I'd say leave it up to the discretion of the parents. The only other option is to attach criminal penalties to drug use for those under whatever arbitrary age limit was implemented, which I can never agree with.
Recreationally speaking, I'd say around 15 or so. Depends on the kid in question of course, but that's as young as I've ever offered it. A younger cousin of my best friend was curious, so we made sure to introduce him to it the right way, in the right environment. I think we did the right thing. Far better to do it that way, than for him to smoke with some stupid high school kid who will start him on the wrong path.
as the one person above said, any age for someone who NEEDS it. but rec use id definitely say 16-17. i started around 14 and i kinda wish i held off a little bit longer.
i dont really think about it in age, to me its more dependant on how mature the indiviual is to decide weather they should be smoking the herb
I started in gr.9 around the same age my real dad started blazing...Weird eh I never knew he started around but yeh so im just gonna say 14-16 But honestly anyone could smoke weed just make sure they know wrong from right and not immature.