in the moment

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Timesplasher, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Everything exist in the same moment... To the next etc etc regardless of either be right in the ongoing instances on earth or the hypothetical furthest from (?) expanding universe. Space time is purely subjective and exist as a mathematical measure between two points. Frames of reference, faster than light speed or gravity affecting paths of light all occur within the same moments we experience here on earth and by the same laws of nature that contain our realities. There is no such thing as time other than a reference after the fact. The expanding universe is bound by that exact same unknown instance we unfold into. Its so naturally occurring science doesn't consider that its a universal state of everything. There confused reality for the sake of measure and its nothing but theoretical.
  2. The relativity of simultaneity begs to differ. 
  3. That's a concept :)
  4. Will check it out tomorrow. Looks interesting.
    I didn't quite understand, could you break it down with simpler sentences, examples and less fancy words? 
  6. yea im not entirely sure what it is you're saying, but from what i do understand i would disagree more than agree
  7. he is basically saying that time and space don't exist in reality any more than they do on your computer screen.

    Cause and effect are instantaneous. Infinite instantaneous effects still results in zero time.

    Like the world in your computer game, space and time are merely a perception of energy interactions

    At its core the universe is merely a code

    I don't know if I stand any clearer on the issue, I just have more questions now.
    How is the code less real than anything else? Is this post not as real as the computer screen you are reading it on? Is the code written that transmits and recieves this message not real? Is the code that assembles a video game character in a video game world not real? Is the video game world itself not real, in that it exists?
    You will also have to explain how "instantaneous effects result in zero time",  what you mean when you say zero time, and also defend and explain the assumption that cause/effect is instantaneous on a scale of the universe (or any scale for that matter). Cause/effect seems to me to be a complex matter, and a cause may start a chain of effects instantaneously, but it takes time for those effects to manifest themselves. Even ignoring that - lets say a cause triggers all effects instantly, or agree that the semantics of cause and instant effect just means that a cause triggers the beginning of all it's effects instantly - even then, how does this result in 'zero' time? Is it to be understand that as in every instant, we are at zero time? That time is a measure of physical change? Because then you've just got the space/time continuum, don't you? 
    And again, some examples would be nice, to put this in context. 
    With respect, I'd also like to hear the OP explain him/herself in his own words, rather than argue your interpretation on OPs behalf, even tho you may have put it correctly. 
  10. Just that one aspect Yuri picked up on is if true enough grounds to question a shit load of theoretical jargon that only exist to make sence of the nonsense of relativity when taken literally. We all experience that unevolved but expected instance of being. That imaginary buffer that waits and allows us to continue is just as incomprehensible as the mystery of the universe? Seems like its in the same realm of wtf.
  11. Just that one aspect Yuri picked up on is if true enough grounds to question a shit load of theoretical jargon that only exist to make sence of the nonsense of relativity when taken literally. We all experience that unevolved but expected instance of being. That imaginary buffer that waits and allows us to continue is just as incomprehensible as the mystery of the universe? Seems like its in the same realm of wtf.
  12. [​IMG] good answer! 
  13. IMO it doesn't matter a whole lot what is "really" going on.

    Because all I can do is live in the world I "perceive"

  14. Man, I'm usually quite sharp with the English language, but Timesplasher your wordings are confusing me  :( What do you mean by "unevolved but expected instance of being", just seems like a (cool) word jumble to me
    Could you concretize the message, and comment on my initial reply to Yuri?

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