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in NEED of some tokin parents opinions (or opinions in general) <3

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by double_frick, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. between my boyfriend and i, i'm def. the bigger 'pot head' and even with two kids i have to say, i stay high much of the day. :/ or :D!! lol

    anyways. the one thing about weed that my S.O. and i disagree on is the appropriateness of marijuana (smoke, paraphernalia, etc) in front of the kiddies! its becoming an issue because my oldest just turned FOUR years old!

    so any parents out there with experience with young'ns...smoke in front of your kids?

    one big concern is a four year old doesn't know whats appropriate to tell other people about mommy and daddy. hah
    i think the big thing for me is, morally is smoking wrong? socially it is, but that doesn't make it wrong necessarily and if that is the only "wrong" about it wouldn't it be more wrong to lie about it to my kid (in the future)

  2. At first, I disagreed, but you're right. If you believe it's not a bad thing, then there should be no problem smoking in front of the kid (If you hold it long enough, the kid can't really get a contact high). :smoke:
  3. well, my thing is, i try to keep it in the back room because i'm not trying to literally smoke IN FRONT of the kids. but my bf is a bit stubborn about it, and I'M the one who likes to smoke more, go figure. but i do think hiding it would be teaching a wrong lesson to my children (to hide things and lie and that its "wrong" and that one should keep up appearances to mesh with society-which i don't agree with)
  4. There are things that should be brought to your children as they age. Personally, I don't think children should be exposed to something that is deemed illegal and immoral by society until they grasp the concept of societal norms and misconceptions. Exposing such a young mind to something like marijuana could really put YOU in danger. What happens if the child brings it up in conversation at school or in front of people you know who would be appalled?

    To be completely honest, I think it is in the best interest for you to keep this away form your children until they are ready for it.

  5. This ^

    Also...hiding something from a 4 year old isn't really morally wrong. There's a difference in keeping something from your child that they're too young to understand, and flat out lying to someone. You're hiding sex from your 4 year old too I would assume? Does that mean you're lying? No, of course not. Children don't need to be exposed to such things.
  6. My lord you hit the nail on the head. +rep
  7. I think it would be best if you hid it from her until she can hold her tongue, moreover, until she can use it wisely.

  8. +rep, this response pretty much summed up my thoughts.
  9. IMO yall should quit smoking daily.
  10. who the fuck are you?
  11. I still smoke with my parents and I have been since I was 15. They kept it from me and my sisters but we all knew. When I was in 5th grade my dad sat down and gave me "the talk" about him smoking for his "stomach aches" and how it only every now and then.. which I later learned wasn't the case. But my parents never did it in front of me because I was against it for a long time. But then high school hit.. Lol.

  12. TRUE. thank you, good point.

    ALL good points, thank you for your honesty, guys (and girls.)

    i think that the big concern for me is that he doesn't understand what not to say around people and why. and he shouldn't have to consider holding his tongue for us, so i'll just have to stand MORE firm.

  13. lol im urn man?

  14. How will you explain to their primarary school teachers the paintings of "mommy and daddy smoking the pipe"?

  15. I laughed my ass off at this... and hes right, not your place to speak
  16. A friend of mine has a three-year old, and they smoke in front of her. But he smokes cigs too, so they just say it's tobacco.

    Personally, I wouldn't let my kids know about my weed smoking, if I had any. But I wouldn't worry much about smoking in front of them as long as they're too young to know the smell. Just roll joints and say they're cigarettes.

    Anyway, unless you're James Bond or something, they're going to find out sooner or later. There's no need to make it obvious, but there's no need to freak about it either.

    And if they find out and you don't think they're ready to, just pull a Nixon.

  17. You dont know me? i could have kids?
  18. this exactly
  19. You're not contributing to the thread. Save your judgment for somewhere else, please.
  20. Wasnt a judgement, was an opinion?, Which is what the topic was asking for.


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