In need of some stoner advice+story of my weekend.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by charlestoned, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. #1 charlestoned, Sep 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2012
    So, I'm a freshman in college, and I have been pretty careful about smoking by doing it off campus at my friend's apartment since I've started since if I were to get caught I would lose scholarships. Drinking is more a slap on the wrist the first few times plus some fines so I'm not worried about that.

    This weekend, was the first weekend I've really been to any big parties in college, so it was definitely the best weekend I've had since summer break ended, on Friday night my friend from my hometown drove up to stay the weekend, since his school is a lot more strict and very conservative. Once he got here we rode to my friends house and smoked a couple of grams and chilled until anybody hit us up. After about an hour one of my friends on the Crew team, texted me direction to a house party being thrown by the team. So my friend that drove up here (we'll call him "j") arrived after it had been going for an hour or two, so everyone was drunk and we were just really high. Apparently J and I reeked of weed, so everyone was asking where the tree was and if we wanted to match. J and I just saved our weed for after since at parties it's very easy to smoke a lot of weed without actually getting high due to the head count of people wanting to toke. I only had a few beers since I was going to drive home, and I'm not down with drunk driving, so I was just cruising the party talking to people I knew while J was drinking like there was tomorrow, I remember following my friend to the basement to refill our cups and there was J doing a keg stand. It was definitely one of the funniest things seeing my high ass friend upside down start choking on beer because he tried to call out and wave at me. After being there for a couple of hours I dragged J to the car since I was waking up early to pregame/tailgate for the football game ( my college has a pretty high ranked team). So J crashed in my dorm, since my roommate was out of town (he's a straightedge that doesn't approve of smoking/drinking so I am pretty reserved about extracurricular activities with him).

    So the next morning J and I woke up and met up with my friend N (the one with the apartment) to go tailgate for the game. For those not sure of what this means in the south, you pretty much just getting as trashed as you possibly can. So after drinking all morning we stumbled to the game that started at 3pm and joined the student section (essentially a giant moshpit of drunk students). After a 3 and a half hour game we were all sobering up a little so we walked back to N's apartment and smoked some more. We pretty much just chilled there and ordered some pizza/showered after a long day in the sun. Around 9pm we visited one of the local dealers and picked up some herb. On the way back we got a call about a big blowout party at N's friends lakehouse. So we smoked a few bowls and then I rolled the rest of the weed into joints for the party. Around 10:30, our dd picked us up and we headed off. Only every 5 minutes we picked up more people for the party. However they all happened to be girls and the only guys in the car were J, N, and me. So it was nothing to complain about really. After arriving at the party it seems everyone greeted me with comments on how much I reeked of weed (from smoking and the j's in my shirt pocket), I kept telling everyone I didn't know what they were talking about with a smirk on my face and then telling them to wait for the after party if they wanted to match. This was the biggest party I'd ever been to, completely dessimating any High School parties I'd been to or heard of. It was a blurr of drinking games and macking on pretty girls. I am a pretty big flirt, but I'm not really a one night stand guy so I wasn't trying to get with anyone. After a couple of hours everyone was leaving so we pulled out the weed and smoked at least 10-12 joints between about 8 people on the deck so I was pretty toasted. Our dd came and picked us up which was an experience being pretty drunk and really high and having to share the backseat with about 5 girls. After I got back to my dorm I went all covert ops, sneaking in. I felt like I was a secret agent, even though the front door was unlocked. Campus police regularly patrol the dorms so I took the stairs to avoid anyone (it was 3am, but everyone was getting back from parties, so I didn't want anyone to notice how much I reeked of weed). I finally walked in to my door and my RA came out of no where and said what's up. (he smokes so he is really cool) He told me that next time I need to cover up the smell more so I draw less attention to myself.

    Overall it was a very successful weekend, and it was good seeing my friend from back home. I know that I need to be more careful at concealing the smell of weed, because it's not fun being on an elevator reeking like a pound with 5 other people staring at me, especially when I have nothing on me. So aside from bringing body spray/cologne and putting on a hoodie to cover up the smell of weed because I regularly do both of those do any more experienced blades have some advice on covering up the smell of weed?

    Btw thanks for reading if you stuck through the wall of text, I'm doing laundry so I figured I might as well do something productive.
  2. All that to ask how to cover up the smell... Good story though lol
  3. Your weekend sounds kick ass good effort. There is not much you can do to cover weed smell on your cothing besides deo or if you want to go hard out get a can of that air freshner for your house that removes oddors from the air and spray a shitload of that, even though it will make you smell like flowers. After smoking weed for 5 years hard out in my teenage years i never really knew of a way to hide the smell well. Haha i remember one time catching the train back from a monster sesh with a few friends and my friend had an o dacked cause he was supplying the get together and a tickity came through and straight up said wheres the weed at lol. We just all looked at him with bloodshot eyes and said its all gone now... He just looked at us and laughed saying fair enough but it smells like you got a open q in here.
  4. #4 thewarden, Sep 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2012
    Well shit, I lived in the dorms for a year so I can kinda help out

    first off, go out and buy 2 mason jars. one's for your weed, one's for your pipe (hopefully it can fit, otherwise you're SOL). You don't want to keep them in the same jar cause it'll make your weed smell like resin. I would ALWAYS carry a backpack at school, I mean you're on a college campus so it doesn't look sketchy and by carrying one you can go the extra mile for odor elimination with the jars.

    buy some clear eyes and some gum, use before entering dorms. Also depending on what time it is, it influences whether I take the stairs or the elevator. if it's like 3 am on a weekday, I'll just take elevator cause it's unlikely anyone else will use it too. Also, I generally push the floor one right below or one right above the floor I actually lived on, in case someone does decide to be a little prick and tell on me. but if it's right around dinnertime or something, I'll take the stairs.

    Also try to take a short walk outside after smoking, it helps with any lingering odor. though your breath is generally what stinks the most.
  5. Fuck that man, dont carry your weed in a backpack go buy some underwear with pockets in it. If you wanna get caught by cops put it in ur bag if you never wanna worry about cops keep it dacked when your walking around in public. Just foil it and snappy your bud and it wont ever smell. And just spray deoderant.
  6. Bring a spare T-shirt/jacket to change to after u smoke n put deodorant on :d
  7. bro thats an awesome weekend, reminds me of college, i miss it so much, but damn you shoulda banged one of the girls in the car, every dude is a one night stand guy hahahah respek!!!
  8. I only take as much weed as I'm going to smoke, so I don't ever return with any more weed on me than like a gram, so I normally put that in my socks or underwear (it's on a bag, so nbd). I guess as long as I have no weed to be found on me I'm in good shape. I have a stoner kit that I carry when smoke with some pretty potent cologne an some clear eyes. Plus if I get pulled over a have a small bag of rolling tobacco under my car to explain the presence of by rolling papers. Idk how effective that story would be against the cops but it's worth a shot. I have a 1 foot long steam roller, so it's not to portable and I leave it at my friends apartment.

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