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In need of some life advice

Discussion in 'General' started by Uphill_, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. #1 Uphill_, Oct 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2014
    Hello GC! Long time lurker and small time poster here. I am in need of some advice, and given that my last advice-asking thread was met with great success, and the answers helped me immensely, I decided to turn to me fellow herb-smokin forum for help! :hello: :gc_rocks:  So here I go:
    Right now, Im in a kind of a crossroads in life, having lots of 'problems' stacking up and being stuck in doing the same stuff every single day, without actively seeking solutions or doing the things I would like. I have tried to make a small list of the causes, in an attempt to see what I dislike with how Im doing things and what I would like to change. I am 20yo, uni student, video gamer, smoker of the good stuff btw.
    • I might be addicted to weed. :smoking: This is a big one for me to admit, since I have been smoking non-stop for the last couple of years every day. I have been smoking only at nights, thinking it wouldnt affect my productivity during the day adn keep my life in check. Thing is, my average daily routine for hte last year or so has been this: wake up at late noon, stumble around all day playing video games and not doing anything productive until night falls and I smoke until 4-5am or so.
    • Addicted to internet/video games. Ive been playing them for ever (since i was 12 or something), but right now it seems to be negatively affecting my life, combined with weed. Id love to keep it to a minimum, or perhaps only playing at night along with smoking my weed and enjoying myself, but I seem to spend all day long infront of a PC, playing an MMO or something similar.
    • No friends. Apart from my 2 'good friends', which happen to be in different corners of the earth right now for studies, I dont have many else real friends. I went through an initial "crisis" a year ago, ditching a great deal of people I considered my friends, and another crisis half a year ago, at which I split up with my best friend at that time (this was the subject of my other life-advice requesting thread). Right now Im stuck in a town with lots of people I know, but noone I can call a friend. :confused_2:
    • Friends asking too much all the time. That is the main reason I have ditched most of my 'friends' that i mentioned in the above point, and that is half the reason I split up with my 'best friend'. People asking me to do shit, help them with their life problems, failing to follow my advice, callilng me on the phone to cry. Even right now I have 2 people that I havent found the courage to completely ditch, and whenever I give them a stepping by calling them I get put on the daily-call list, asking to take them out and listen to their trivial problems with their supposed friends. :mad:
    • Bad stuff happening at Uni (not to me personally). I am awaiting its reopening after the summer to get a chance on perhaps getting to know some new people, or just having a bigger reason to get off my couch and go outside. I also need to get my shit in order, since Im entering my 3rd year of studies and I have amassed a great number of classes that I owe and have to pass soon (20 of 30 classes owed).
    • GF/relationship status. There is a hit song in my country, with the lyrics going "I havent fucked for over a year, mate". That is exactly my problem :confused_2:. I dont have a big problem with being likeable or anything like that, its just that I dont know of any potential person I would like to even strike a convo with, and if me life keeps going this way Im not seeing myself finding one anyways :confused_2:
    • Not going to the gym. I love lifting heavy things and putting them down, but, combined with all the above, I jsut cant lift myself off the bed to go get my subscription renewed.
    And thats the list I could come up with! Ive been trying to get my life in order for the whole summer or so, but I have been continiously failing myself and my expectations, so I thought that a little 'outside' advice would get me going. I have a 'model' of how I want my daily routine to be, but I fail to deliver on half the things in that model (gym, friends, not being stuck in front of the PC all day), and naturally the other half dont get fixed on themselves (uni reopening, new people coming into my life).
    I apologize for yet another text wall posted in GC forums, Im doing my best to make it clear and readable. Thanks to anyone who spares his time and gives my thread a read, I would love some feedback! I was helped immensely on my last thread, and you all have my gratitude for that :metal:
    P.S. I was split between posting this here or in relationships, but I think its more general than it is about relationships, so I dropped it here. Feel free to report if this needs to be moved :smoke:
    Also if at any point something I wrote doesnt make any sense I apologize, Im trying to do my best explaining my situation but the fact that english isnt my first language isnt helping :confused_2:

  2. If you have no friends how are they asking too much all the time?
    Thanks for the fast reply!
    What I meant was, when I did have many friends, they asked too much all the time, making me rethink whether they were friends or simply people looking for a cushion. This, along with the fact that most of them proved to not be friends at all in the long run, led me to ditching most of them. It was also the biggest variable in spliting up with my biggest friend so far half a year ago (dangit, if only I could find that thread :mad: )
    Also, as I mentioned, there are two or three people that I havent pushed too far away, but yet they follow the same pattern: not even two weeks ago, i called one of them to go out for a cup of coffee. We did, but ever since I have received about 20 calls on my cell, asking for personal help at times like 2am.
  4. Yeah man, you do seem to be suffering from the lazies. Knock of the weed for a while - or for good, it's your choice. In that and video games and the rest, do what provides the best results. Your life sounds like it needs a fresh breeze. Open the windows and blinds, make some changes.. 
    I've gotten on the lazy life conveyor before and it's a whole lot of vicious circles that pull ya down, down, down - both physically and mentally. It sux and ya gotta get off and hump your ass back up to the land of the living. Getting regular aerobic exercise works wonders! Get active. Push yourself. You'll like the results (unless you die of a heart attack lol
    Anyway, doing positive, healthy shit builds on itself in a good way just like the negative stuff does to fuck our lives up. Not that I include weed in that category but for some folks - maybe you - it may very well be in that category. If it is, stop doing it. So, as you put away shit that drags ya down, and take on things that produce a health, happy mind and body and life, there is an increasing level of positive feedback that helps reinforce your efforts and provides you with a sense of well being - even though ya could contract some virus and be dead by next week. :laughing: .
    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it :)
    You make a great deal of good points. Ive been thinking of taking a break from weed for a bit, and with the points you made, I will, starting from this week. Maybe one full week of abstinence, see how it turns out? I actually spent 3 or so days in a row last week not having any weed after a full year of non stop smoking, and I didnt have many problems dealing with it (although admittedly I jumped back into it once I found some :smoke: )
    My biggest problem on being active, doing stuff and changing my life, is, basically, the fact that I am actually having fun with being lazy as hell. I am doing what I wish I could do when I was 13-15, since then I had school, classes and pressure, and that pushed me at that time to be active and not spend my whole day in front of my pc. I can see however that I cant keep going like that for my whole life, since there are loads of stuff I want to do, and they all require exiting the house :laughing: 
    I sat in front of a fucking pc writing programs for a couple years. Fuck that! Drinking, drugs of all varieties, that motherfucking pc, and all that shit was bringing me a stale, dull, unrewarding life. Now I one happy motherfucker!  :laughing: I so happy I'm gonna smoke a bowl-a-bud and finish this deeeeeliciios Breakfast Blend k-cup.
    Adios and happy living! You life is your horse and YOU're in the saddle baby. And NEVER beat your fucking horse!
  7. Fuck bitches, get money. :cool:
  8. Sounds like you already know what the problems are
  9. Do you have a job?  Go out, make some friends!  As a weed smoker, it's real easy as weed is an instant connection to someone.  Your life doesn't seem as bad as others I've read on here.  One I remember that stood out was a 25 y/o unemployed virgin who still lived with his parents and did nothing all day.  You seem like a nice guy,  I'm sure if you push yourself, you can make some changes. You may not have the greatest life in the world but you can make it that way.  Just replace those negative thoughts with positive ones.  Your attitude really is everything and can make a huge difference.  I changed my attitude lately and I haven't been truly depressed in weeks.  I used to be depressed all the fucking time.  Just really think - "is it really THAT bad?"  Everyone can do better.
  10. The change begins with you, mate. You've already done all the leg work, now you need the will power to rise up off your ass and make those ideas reality.

    It all seems to still stem at your issue with friends. I remember you and your last thread -- doesn't sound like much has changed in regards to your personal relationships. I feel like there's a key part to the story being left out. Ask yourself this honestly: is it an issue with your "friends" or does the problem lie somewhere within you?

    Nobody can help you except yourself.
  11. U sound just like me when I was your age. I been smoking Is for 20 years on and off. I stop when I have to and I smoked when I want. Marijuana is not a
    Dangerously addictive drug. But it does make everything easier. Like work,school,family. As friends they come and they go. U will make friends everywhere but the most important person is u. As for the gym I been there I haven't in two years but I will again when the time is right. I love video games but I had to sell my ps3 because I got into real world problems. Which I could avoided if I would had just gone to work, then the gym, then home, smoked a bowl and play online. But that was not the case. I decided to go out with my friends and got into problems. And none of those so called friends helped. U have a good out look in life. Don't worry about girlfriends. I gone 8 months twice with out sex and I was fine. Then I began having sex every weekend. And my life sucked because of a psycho girlfriend. Now I'm back, my life is just like yours. Just with more experience because of all the bullshit I had to go through. Your fine bro just go out once in awhile to get some air and the right people will find away into your life.

    Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Fierce using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. You sound like me, loser ;)
  13. Become a race car driver.

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