Ok so normally I never had much of an issue obtaining some sort of Autoflower seeds, granted the quality of said seeds may not have been phenomenal...or good for that matter. However that never bothered me as I purely benefit from the growth process as a whole. I have found that taking care of cannabis plants is extremely therapeutic and significantly helps with my PTSD. Everything was going along nicely using Strainly.io, that is until they implemented their fee for using their site and only being able to pay using Bitcoin. Most would say no problem just make an account somewhere, well my issue is no online site accepts a V.A.(Veterans Affairs) ID as an actual form of ID. I'm in progress of obtaining documents needed to receive a new Drivers License but until then, now that I'm out of seeds and places to purchase them that is affordably. I now turn to the forum to see if anyone has a solution for my specific circumstances. I understand this is not likely a normal reason to begin a thread. However I am struggling at the moment and honestly have no other outlet to turn to. So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. It may sound silly to some that something so simple can effect my mental stability but it truly does make such a massive difference in my ability to function normally. plus the fact I am in recovery from surgery that the V.A. botched so limits movement as well. Sorry for the book of a post I'm just in need of some guidance or ideas. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and thank you to anyone who has any suggestions.
Great Lakes Genetics has a few auto breeders, pay by cash or usps money order via mail, based out of Michigan. A lot of vendors left strainly after they implemented their new policy. Many of them migrated to different places, or set up their own.
www.northatlanticseed.com Can pay with credit cards, as well as the other standard seed bank methods. Many different breeders. Plenty of auto's.
Thank you for the info, being from the east coast I'm still a newbie and having an outlet like this is awesome.
check here https://chuckersparadise.com/forums/seeds-for-sale-or-trade.83/ sumday 'we' too at GC will offer the same ....someday? be warned tho play friendly got experience? become a tester? cheers
One idea is to reach out to local cannabis grower communities or cultivation clubs in your area, as they may have a more flexible approach when it comes to seed exchanges. Additionally, you could consider connecting with fellow growers on forums or social media platforms where seed sharing or trading might be possible.