In love with a friend..waiting for her to be single..

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Unglued, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Three years ago I got a new co-worker, extremely attractive, and later on I would learn she had the personality to match her looks. We became friends immediately and started hanging out outside of work. I quickly found out she had a boyfriend, and not wanting to be a sleazebag I never told her about my growing feelings for her. Skip to about a month ago, we no longer work together, but still spend copious amounts of time together. She tells me she's in love with me but can't hurt her boyfriend, and that I'm her only friend and she can't stand the thought of losing me. I love her... but she has a great thing in her current relationship, and i believe shes happy. I am not a cheater, so sadly, i find myself waiting and hoping for the day she leaves him.
    Pathetic right. I've tried all kinds of things over the past few years to get her out of my head, focusing on her flaws (none of which I can find), scouring the internet for a better match, even not talking to her for months at a time. And yet every night, I dream of her, nose to nose gazing lovingly into my eyes.
    She's my only true friend and I don't want to lose her, but I think it would be better for her if I terminated our friendship and left her to live her life.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This is a painful situation, and regardless of how it turns out there will be more pain
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  2. You only live once... she said she's in love with you. Sounds like she is waiting on you. You should let her see what you just said to strangers. And let that break the ice for a big conversation. If there is something you want, at least try for it. Don't wait on someone to throw it away. I wish much luck to you!
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  3. You are GLUED to a dream thats not real

    she loves you

    but not enough to leave her current lover

    Run Fast to Mr Google and search LBF

    cause thats you

    you are wasting vital time with this mess

    that for many many reasons is not gonna work for you

    LBF is not your friend

    good luck you will need all of it
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  4. So she told her boyfriend she's no longer in love with him, but she feels obligated to make it work. She wants me to stay her friend but thinks we should both try to stop loving each other. So very confused.
  5. Won't ever be a healthy relationship... she'll most likely move on to the next guy and do the same exact thing when she gets bored again..

    Robs New Journal RQS SQ#1 Clones
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  6. If she leaves him for you
    Than she will leave you for the next guy when she gets bored also
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Unless you don't want to sully the dreamy potential, pursue her and let the chips fall where they may. It's the only way yur going to find out what's real and what ain't.
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  8. Has a boyfriend but in love with another guy? What kind of simp is she dating? And if she's doing it with him, just wait until she finds another friend. She's a bored Thot :smoke:
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  9. glad you have some insight on the situation. If she has a bf and she is in love with you, what makes you think she will stay in love with you. She may get a new job and a new co-worker that is more compatible for her than you are. Your heart is broken.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  10. I have been where you are at and it sucks bigtime. Thank god i don't put up with that bullshit in my life anymore. I got smart.
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  11. You're all right and I know it. It's that small voice in my head that keeps the hope alive. It will be hard to lose my only real friend, but it's time to face the facts, I'm just destined to be the hermit that lives in a bus in the woods alone. Thanks for all of your advice, I will tell her goodbye and deal with the heartbreak as I have many times before.
  12. You live in a bus in the woods? You could at least grow a lot of cannabis to keep you company
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  13. And that's what I'll do, and probably get a lot of Dogs too
  14. Stay friends with her and just remain FRIENDS

    Friends with benefits is always nice
    Just don't have a love relationship

    She may be trying to tell you she wants to bang the hell out of you
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. True love is both easier and harder than what's described in the OP.

    There are no back doors, no parachutes, just fear and trembling.
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  16. Sex without love is just animalistic, two dogs fucking in the dog park. Not that I haven't slept with random girls, but i no longer have any interest in that.
    Besides, I'm no cheater, and I wouldn't make her a cheater.
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  17. You can't cheat in life. Everything is fair game.
  18. Everything is based on perspective in this world. If YOU feel that way then this thread is over isn't it?

    I think you know in your heart what needs to be done.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. My relationship that I'm in now happened in this way sort of. My friend who is now my fiance was my best friend during a relationship that was long distance and in its death throws. He waited a year and a half, he didn't push me towards the decision at all either. I wanted to make the relationship I was in work. But it was just past the point of working it out, we didn't live close and never saw each other in person, and his financial situation ensured that we probably never would. After the relationship ended, I finally met my friend in person and we've been together 3 years now. Be her friend, but keep your options open.
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