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In light of the legalization movement

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Boswell1967, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. I think that THC needs to get more credit than it deserves for the medical components that it brings for all ailments. Cannabis is a universal medicine that can manage and alleviate even the worst of diseases.
  2. Have been using it most of my life for stomach issues - Nothing else actually works - and since getting metal in my wrist and have surgery on my knee it helps with that pain as well - and I am sure it will work better than most pills for mental illnesses
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  3. I totally agree with what your saying. It helps me so much with pain and I no longer need to take prescription medications. I don't smoke anymore either I just use tinctures three times a day.
  4. #4 WeedCat, Apr 9, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
    So you are a supplier to the dispensaries only? Question for you. What is your thoughts on root ball medicine? Also, if all people had access to was trim and an odd bud mix in, I would tell them to make medicine out of it anyway until they could find something better. I have seen tumors killed with it. What's your thoughts on this? Thank you!
  5. No supplier just finally found something that works for me, friends, and fam. Our animals use the medicine too. There is a video about trim too did you see it Lee talks about it and it was interesting. What is root ball medicine? THC certainly has the properties to cause apoptosis in cancer cells. A heavy indica strain is what I recommend for for pain relief.
  6. #6 WeedCat, Apr 10, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
    That sounds like really nice and gentle medicine for your family. Root ball medicine is simply medicine from the roots of the cannabis plant. It doesn't hold the same compounds but different set of compounds people swear by with pain and gout. It doesn't get anyone high and people get relief!

    Unfortunately, the manufactures of topicals in Colorado are not allowed to use the roots for their balms and lotions. It's a damn shame too because they make the cultivators crush it down so it's just small chunks that would save some time and hard labor on the infused topical maker as they are a bitch to clean!

    Anyway, they are allowed to sell it only to non consumable business such as fabric and hempcrete.

    I will check out the vid you mentioned! - update. I didn not see a "trim" vid. I looked at your channel and saw the basal cell video which was spot on!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. heres the vid.
  8. Cool. yup. Flowers are stronger medicine than sugar/fan leaves for sure. I tell my friends if they can't afford the pure bud, to make it out of the trim anyway. I have seen it work for cancer as well but I still agree to spend for the best if one can afford it.
  9. For the animals, do you use it both topically and orally? I've used it topically for skin cancer of dogs and gave it to my cat orally the day she was dying and suffering. It was beautiful to see her body relax, She started to snore just after kneading the air like a kitten and peacefully passed.

    From the science I've been reading and listening to, it seems they are phasing out the strain names because the cannabis plant has been so cross-bred. And they are also realising the term "Indica" and "Sativa" have more to do with the shape of the leaves and origin more than it does with the feeling it gives us. The compounds, terpenes, and flavonoids are more what we are concentrating on when looking for a certain "same" feeling and efficacy of product.
  10. My profile pic is my gf, me, and Daisy when she was a pup. So we started to give her marijuana coming up on a year this May. As a rottweiler they are known to have bad hips and painful joints. She is my first rottie and she started experiencing pain from long walks and the pain started in her back legs and I think it was starting to affect the hips. The tinctures worked really well for her and her tolerance has increased in that time span. The topical we just started and I use it for my back and neck. It really works well and I have used other topical before made from arnica but the Blue Emu is more effective. Currently Daisy is taking a gram of FECO per week, tinctures once a day, and a topical for added relief. Our cat only uses the topical as he is not to fond of the smell and is more squirmy when we try to give it to him. He just turned one so he is doing well at the moment. I am at about half a gram of FECO once a week and I also use tinctures throughout the day. Anxiety and Depression are managed by this.
    The name of the strains are important for people like you and I who are familiar with cannabis. For others though I feel like the presentation of the medicine is what gets their attention. Also pricing is a big component in our capitalistic country haha. The amount of compounds is important for patients who are dealing with certain ailments and everyone is different so one strain might not work for the other. I ask questions all the time and Lee pointed this forum and said that I can learn a lot from here. I just want to say that it's cool of you talking to me about this stuff. I feel like every time I want to talk about cannabis they think that I am trying to sell them something. Do you get the same thing?
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  11. Not so much because I'm just usually answering questions for people who are new and need to take the oil asap for their cancer. It's confusing for so many so I like to guide them through the process and make it not so scary for them. But I LOVE learning about the science of cannabis and like to keep up with the changing science. If you want some great podcast to geek out to, check out the Periodic effects The Cannabis Business and Science Podcast . And Shaping Fire Shaping Fire . Thanks for the info on the animals. I feel like it can help them instead of the pharmaceuticals much like it's helping us humans.
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  12. Thank you so much!!! This might be something that I have been looking for a while. Are you in California?

  13. You can take a gorilla-glue from one dispensary and try it from another or your own home grow and they taste different and make you feel different. That's because the thc/cbd and terpene profile has been changed. That's not good enough for people looking for consistent medicine.

    Pharmaceutical companies are known for getting the exact dose each time with their synthetics but cannabis is complicated and hard to do that with. It's got so many variations, more than the average plant, so it's tricky for anyone to get the "same" feel each time. But we are getting closer.

    Pharmaceutical companies are moving forward as well but they've had their failures like their 2.5 m capsules of Marinol. The patients don't do well with just one compound ESPECIALLY THC alone. Makes one too edgy and uncomfortable in their skin. I think it helped slightly with wasting disease but who the fuck wants only one synthetic compound when you can take the real thing with all it's many other compounds to create that wonderful "entourage" effect we all love so much? Plus the whole plant kills cancer whereas Marinol only helps with a few symptoms as a result of chemotherapy which assaults the cancer cells and good cells plus destroys the stomach lining.

    They are hitting as many road blocks as the medicine makers I'm happy to report. But that's for another day.

    At one time, calling cannabis by strains would have worked beautifully but we curious people who want to cross breed for higher THC content or higher CBD (like the Stanley Bros) for Charlotte's Web type or similar type strains that work on Dravets syndrome. That changes the plant considerably. It really becomes its own unique cultivar.

    And it also becomes a pantentable plant which could be fucked up if Monsanto or other evils lock it up for their greedy selves.

    So, now we look at the chemical compounds, terpenes, flavonoids and minor compounds to see exactly what we are consuming. That gives us a better idea. Or one can be happy like we were in the old days just getting something to smoke. But I do remember sometimes the flower made me feel a bit anxious or sleepy when I really wasn't after that effect.
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  14. Colorado

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